Fitting haircare reg into a busy schedule


New Member
I'm now working, and am very busy. SOme days I just crash after getting the kids fed, bathed, and in bed. I have not wahed my hair in over a week. I so need to take better care of my hair now, as it is so dry. How do you busy ladies fit your regimen in?
Designate one day a week (whole day, or few hours) and stick to it. Don't accept calls, don't run errands, etc on that day. Let the kiddies know that you're there for them, but you will need a little time to pamper yourself. My son (10 y.o.) is very understanding about my Friday nights.
Keep it effective yet simple. Keeping your hair clean, moisturize, and protected is probably what you wanna focus on. Play around with your hair to find low maintainence yet cute styles you can wear for days at a time. I found my self indugled in all these new products and such and it just got really complex. It's hair! Just keep it clean, moisturized, and protected and you're good to go. God Bless!
I've found it really doesn't take long to conditioner wash my hair during the week when I take my shower and then it goes into a bun, braid or ponytail wet... its dry or slightly damp when I go to bed at night.
I agree. If you have a complex regimen, now is the perfect time to tone it down. Clean, condition, moisturize and protect. Your regimen is only as hard or as simple as you make it.
I understand how you feel, I work full time and have a 6 y.o. I have 2 days in the week set aside to wash and co wash. I usually wait to the little one is asleep and enjoy my "me" time.
Girl, I have a 15mo. old and a 4mo. old. I work full time and go to school twice a week. I don't have a lot of time to dedicate to my hair so I've simplified my regimen quite a bit. I haven't conditioned with heat in I don't know how long. Now I just put the conditioner in and let it sit while I brush my teeth, shave and shower. I take hot showers so between the hot water and my cap that serves as my deep conditioning. My hair really doesn't seem to be suffering since I stopped sitting under the hood dryer for fifteen minutes to condition. Also I let my hair air dry now. I don't leave it soaking wet though, I towel dry and then put my leave in. If I wash early in the evening then it's almost completely dry by the time I go to bed. Then I put in my moisturizers, wrap and tie it with a scarf for the night.
wow crazyabouthair, that IS busy! Im going into a full time LPN program in a few weeks which is 7-3 monday thru friday and Ill be working 20 hours a week, so Im going to be pretty busy myself but I dont have little ones on top of it all! I dont know what Id do!

my plan is when I dont have time to dedicate to my hair, just to make sure its moisturizes and in goes the phony pony, this has always been the easiest most low maintenance style that still looks presentable for me. If u can just take one day a week to do your hair, you could always pre treat with EVOO and conditioner for however long u want without heat. Just slap it in and put on a shower cap while u do whatever around the house,cook,clean and whatnot.

Most ppl wash in the shower and its better for avoiding tangles, but if it saves time from hopping in and out, wash your hair in the sink, deep condition with your cap(with or without heat-again u could just wear it around the house with a towel or scarf around your cap), THEN get in the shower to wash it out.

after that apply your products, put it in a ponytail, and let it dry. try more low maintenance styles that arent time consuming and are healthy at the same time. buns,french braids,french twists, phony ponies, braiouts, and bantu knot sets come to mind. these can all be done on damp or dry hair and are fast and easy to do.

HTH! good luck!
I know how you feel, I have 3 kids. They are all girls and I have to take care of their hair also. I designated Saturday as my day to pamper myself. My DH doesn't even bother me. Some days, I put them to bed extra early, forget about the dishes and everything else and stay up with my hair or go to bed early and get up before everyone else and do a cowash in the shower. Also, I mixed a little oil, conditioner, and water in a spray bottle to spritz on those days that it is feeling dry and I can't get a wash in. HTH Q
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melodee said:
I'm now working, and am very busy. SOme days I just crash after getting the kids fed, bathed, and in bed. I have not wahed my hair in over a week. I so need to take better care of my hair now, as it is so dry. How do you busy ladies fit your regimen in?

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Girl, it's just one of those things that you do when you're determined. I'll shampoo and condition at midnight on a work night if I have to. Several times, I've even gotten up extra early to do it worn a wet bun for the day.