First Straight Pics of Natural Hair - 12 months post relaxer


New Member
Hey Ladies,

Just wanted to share some pics and ask for some advice.

So I blow-dried and straightened my hair for the first time natural and it took me 3 hours. I knew it would take awhile, but this came as a surprise since my hair is pretty short. It was like all the curl in my head just sat at my ends. My sedu glided through my roots, but when I got to my ends - I had to use the Denman to kick the curl out, a comb to chase with, FHI hot sauce, coconut oil....just about everything! lol

It was crazy, you should have seen my big eyes as I was trying to flat iron. Does anybody else have this problem? If so, what do you to combat this when you straighten?

I'm thinking maybe I should rollerset to pre-straighten my ends before flat-ironing, because this was just ridiculous. I probably won't be flat-ironing again anytime soon. I only did this b/c I wanted to do hair updates at my blog.

But N-E-ways here's some pics of my hair, a month after the BC. It's short, but I'm sure it will grow fast. This is 12 months of growth since my last relaxer...

WET- left in a little Suave coconut conditioner


After I blow-dried


Flat Ironed with Sedu




My Starting Point Pony lol


Naturals past and present - please let me know your tips for straightening those ends with more ease!

P.S. - Am I shoulder length or in between Neck Lenth and Shoulder?
I assumed shoulder, but either way I got a long way to go before I reach my goal (BSL), not in a rush - but I'm thinking it will take at least 2 years, maybe 3.
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YOur hair looks great. I'm cracking up at your blowdry pic because that's exactly how my blowdry looked the other day...I had to do a double take. Looks like you are in between neck and shoulder. Your hair is SOO thick! Very pretty
As for the you use the comb flatiron technique?
@ MoniintheMiddle - If you mean chasing the comb with the flat-iron as I press - YES, i tried everything.

but it just took too long. lol

and I had to keep going over the ends, which I hate to do. Maybe the Sedu isn't gonna cut it anymore...
YOur hair looks great. I'm cracking up at your blowdry pic because that's exactly how my blowdry looked the other day...I had to do a double take. Looks like you are in between neck and shoulder. Your hair is SOO thick! Very pretty
As for the you use the comb flatiron technique?

yea, it makes you think "Woo child!" lol
beautiful hair! and lovely results. i love the thickness of your ponytail!

& you may want to try the comb chase method to cut down your flat ironing time. and i'll have to look into reviews of this Fhi Hot Sauce :yep:
just so you guys have an idea of how the comb/chase went...
the comb still got caught in the ends, and I had to take it out to finish passing the flat iron lol

this only helped some when i passed the iron a couple times over the ends, then did the comb chase. I just feel like that's a lot of heat though...

may have to resort to rollersetting - which i have to admit, really irks me.
Your hair looks good. Yes, I have the same problem with my ends. All the curl seems to be at the end.

When straightening my hair, I have to 1) make sure my hair has plenty of moisture in it, before I start blow-drying or it will just make it harder to flat-iron my ends. 2) Detangle very well. Sometimes, I even run the Denman through my ends just before I blow-dry a section. 3) I blow-dry with a comb attachment. 4) I use Sabino Moisture Block and always put a little extra on my ends. It really helps the rat tail comb to glide through my hair. And finally, I use the comb chase method.
If you're going to straighten, it helps to stretch your hair before hand and THEN blowdry.

I usually airdry overnight in mini buns to really stretch the hair, and then blowdry with a wide tooth comb attachment the next day.
Thanks so much for the advice shocol and soliel :grin:

I think I approached this straightening session like I did when I was transitioning :nono:

I def need to go out and get a comb attachment.

and about the FHI Runway - dont get me started girl!
I want one soo bad, but that's gonna have to wait.
Thanks so much for the advice shocol and soliel :grin:

I think I approached this straightening session like I did when I was transitioning :nono:

I def need to go out and get a comb attachment.

and about the FHI Runway - dont get me started girl!
I want one soo bad, but that's gonna have to wait.

If you detangle really well before hand, you could do small sections with a denman and a concentrator attachment instead of going out and buying something. :yep:
I hope these people telling you to get the Runway can pitch in some $ for it...:lachen: DANG it's not like you can find it at the dollar store, people!

Very nice....and shiny, too...but I have bad news about getting those ends straight: it's a pain for me unless I rollerset or do like Soliel suggested and stretch them out somehow. You might have to bite the bullet and roll 'em up or get a comb attachment. If I blow dry with my Denman, that works as well, so maybe you can go that route. Salon Cabelo has a good tut on YT for that.
I hope these people telling you to get the Runway can pitch in some $ for it...:lachen: DANG it's not like you can find it at the dollar store, people!

Very nice....and shiny, too...but I have bad news about getting those ends straight: it's a pain for me unless I rollerset or do like Soliel suggested and stretch them out somehow. You might have to bite the bullet and roll 'em up or get a comb attachment. If I blow dry with my Denman, that works as well, so maybe you can go that route. Salon Cabelo has a good tut on YT for that.

lol true - that Runway is in no way, shape or form in my po' grad student budget. but I can still dream. lol

but yeah, next time I'm gonna be doing things a lot differently. I usually get it straighter when I blow dry, I probably just half assed it since I didn't anticipate all that tangling on the ends.

I learned my lesson, the long 3 hr way.
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In the past I've had the same problem with my daughter's hair. The comb chase method gave me a fit when it came to the ends. Last week I applied Sabino Moisture block to her damp hair & then parted in small sections & used the tension method to blow dry. I applied a little more Sabino to the ends & used the comb attachment on the ends. It worked! This is the first time I have used the Sabino & its everything I have read about.

Your hair is so pretty & thick!
Thanks ladies for the sweet words and the advice.
I'm so pissed my last blow-dryer with the attachment broke.

And I actually remember how straight my hair laid, even before I flat-ironed it.
Ironic, since I really could have done without the comb attachment when I was relaxed.

And I need to get some more Sabino now that you guys mention it!
just so you guys have an idea of how the comb/chase went...
the comb still got caught in the ends, and I had to take it out to finish passing the flat iron lol

this only helped some when i passed the iron a couple times over the ends, then did the comb chase. I just feel like that's a lot of heat though...

may have to resort to rollersetting - which i have to admit, really irks me.

I have the exact same problem and I am starting to think that a blow dryer is not for me. I gave up trying to chase with a fine tooth comb and used my denman instead. It definitely does the job.