Fire....Scalp Fire


Well-Known Member
Let a dominican do my hair for the first time yesterday.
She used a round brush and blow dryer when she was drying my hair.
That boar round bush and the pulling so close to my scalp.... opened my scalp. I have scalp marks now. Oh my!!! My scalp was on fire. When she tried to put anything else on my scalp was not feeling it.

I complained....She told me to take a benadryl before I come back to her. I was like what the hell is that? and What?
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it usually happens when you are doing for the first time,from second time you might not have this.

yea benadryl or any anti-histamine drugs prior doing this might work well on such allergic reaction.Oh well if you were confused about benadryl,its a anti-allergic drug,but remember after taking benadryl don't drive or do any stuffs that must be done on heights as benadryl causes drowsy or sleepy.
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Don't go back. Anytime you have to drug-up before getting your hair done is a bad sign. It sounds damaging and just isn't worth it :nono:
Allergic reaction?! To what?? Allergic reaction so someone burning and abrading your scalp! I say find a new Dominican stylist because it sounds like she was out of control.
um thats not an allergic reaction, thats the heat hitting/burning your dag on scalp. happens to me too. since i was going so regularly for a while i became a little more accustomed to it but when i get dominican blow outs (now i only go once every 4-6 weeks) my scalp does suffer. Oh and it gets super extra dry and itchy.
Yep my first time way back in the day (about 10 years now,) I thought my scalp was ablaze. Never again.
I said it once, I will say it again......

Domican Blowouts are not healthy at all. I use to go but not any more. I will go for a regular rollerset, but not a blow out. I did a blowout twice :nono:. looks nice but no.
Try putting some aloe vera on it too. It's very light and it shouldn't give your scalp a problem. It's good for burns and it's soothing. Helps it heal faster too.

Don't go back to that woman :nono:
Let a dominican do my hair for the first time yesterday.
She used a round brush and blow dryer when she was drying my hair.
That boar round bush and the pulling so close to my scalp.... opened my scalp. I have scalp marks now. Oh my!!! My scalp was on fire. When she tried to put anything else on my scalp was not feeling it.

I complained....She told me to take a benadryl before I come back to her. I was like what the hell is that? and What?

:lachen:@ the bolded! Since when do you have to take anti-histamines to get a new hairstyle.
Let a dominican do my hair for the first time yesterday.
She used a round brush and blow dryer when she was drying my hair.
That boar round bush and the pulling so close to my scalp.... opened my scalp. I have scalp marks now. Oh my!!! My scalp was on fire. When she tried to put anything else on my scalp was not feeling it.

I complained....She told me to take a benadryl before I come back to her. I was like what the hell is that? and What?

What! Benadryl! I would not want to go to someone that I have to take drugs to see. She probably wants you to take it so that you will be nice and drowsy and sedated before you get into her chair.

Do not go back!
What! Benadryl! I would not want to go to someone that I have to take drugs to see. She probably wants you to take it so that you will be nice and drowsy and sedated before you get into her chair.

Do not go back!

I agree. I am a big woman, and even ONE benedryl knocks me out cold after about half an hour of taking it.

Once I took two and slept for 12 hours straight. That stuff is no joke. At least for me.
Wow I didn't know getting the sh!t burned out of my scalp could be prevented by taking an anti-histamine! Let me go run to Walgreens on my break...:lachen:
Let a dominican do my hair for the first time yesterday.
She used a round brush and blow dryer when she was drying my hair.
That boar round bush and the pulling so close to my scalp.... opened my scalp. I have scalp marks now. Oh my!!! My scalp was on fire. When she tried to put anything else on my scalp was not feeling it.

I complained....She told me to take a benadryl before I come back to her. I was like what the hell is that? and What?

You know a salon is off the chain when they are writing clients prescriptions for pain killers and allergies.:lachen:

I agree. I am a big woman, and even ONE benedryl knocks me out cold after about half an hour of taking it.

Once I took two and slept for 12 hours straight. That stuff is no joke. At least for me.

Girl, tell it! Benadryl will put you down. It's the cure for whatever ailment you have because you will sleep right on through it. :lachen:
Blowouts are not good....not the dominican lady but the heat!

I only do my roots and my lady is sooooo gentle i don't feel the heat on my scalp...she has total control of that blower..

try someone else and only do the roots
WHOA!!!! Its not supposed to burn your skin off! LOL
I wouldn't go back to her. BTW how does your hair look?

I would either not go to her ever again OR tell that crazy woman to not go close to your scalp like that. My hairdresser used to do that to me, but I have to speak up and tell her to cut it out.
WHOA!!!! Its not supposed to burn your skin off! LOL
I wouldn't go back to her. BTW how does your hair look?

I would either not go to her ever again OR tell that crazy woman to not go close to your scalp like that. My hairdresser used to do that to me, but I have to speak up and tell her to cut it out.

My hair looks great. Like a relaxer but I have scalp sores. Thick ones and big. In the front near my hairline where my scalp was on fire. I did not know boar brushes plus heat could do that much damage. It was worse than scratching and having a relaxer. I hope not all dominican places are like this. I really felt she did not listen to me. I just don't see why they (dominican blow outs) are soo popular.
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My hair looks great. Like a relaxer but I have scalp sores. Thick ones and big. In the front near my hairline where my scalp was on fire. I did not know boar brushes plus heat could do that much damage. It was worse than scratching and having a relaxer. I hope not all dominican places are like this. I really felt she did not listen to me. I just don't why they are soo popular.

Pleeeease don't go back there. Big sores on your scalp over a hairdo is not worth it!
You could have some lasting damage because of that.
My hair looks great. Like a relaxer but I have scalp sores. Thick ones and big. In the front near my hairline where my scalp was on fire. I did not know boar brushes plus heat could do that much damage. It was worse than scratching and having a relaxer. I hope not all dominican places are like this. I really felt she did not listen to me. I just don't why they are soo popular.

OMG are you serious?! Maybe you should see a doctor :nono:

I've never had somebody burn me like that. Whoever that lady is she needs to pick another profession :perplexed
I said it once, I will say it again......

Domican Blowouts are not healthy at all. I use to go but not any more. I will go for a regular rollerset, but not a blow out. I did a blowout twice :nono:. looks nice but no.

I agree. I got ONE and just knew I wouldn't have any hair left if I went a second time.