Fine hair and texturizers!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hello everybody,
I am new...sort of (I've been lurking for quite a while), and I was considering getting a texturizer but I have fine hair and I don't want to damage my hair but I also don't want it to be underprocessed. I am natural now but when I had a relaxer my hair took to mild one very well. Could somebody plz help me do I don't damage my hair and have to start over. Like for fine hair is it okay to cut the time the texturizer stays on without it being under processed or is it too weak for that? Do you care for a texturizer the way you do for natural hair?Lastly I have 4b hair but I have recieved conflicting info on past threads whether this type of hair can be texturized I really appreciate all the advice you ladies give and it would really be great to know I am starting this journey to longer stronger hair right. TIA :D
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Welcome Lucky8502!! I'm a fine-haired girl too but I don't know the first thing about texturizing. However, there have been a lot of threads about the subject. Try doing a search and try the search term "texlax." This may also turn up some helpful info. Good luck!
Ok thx SandySea I didn't know that texturizers were the same as being texlaxed because alot of the texlaxed women I see have straight hair
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lucky8502 said:
Ok thx SandySea I didn't know that texturizers were the same as being texlaxed because alot of the texlaxed women I see have straight hair

No, they're not the same, but maybe they'll be some mention of texturizing in those threads.
I have fine hair and just like yours it's 4b. The last two retouches I used phytospecific and now my hair seems to be texlaxed. When my hair is wet I can see the wavy texture and it's a great contrast to the bone straight hair that I still have on my head. When my hair is dry the first two inches (relaxed by phyto) is so much thicker and feels stronger. Everything I've read about phytospecific states that it's a relaxer, not a texturizer so I'm not sure if the application process would be different. I'm just now learning how to care for my newly texlaxed hair, hopefully the other threads will be more helpful.
I have fine hair and I texturize!

I cannot answer your questions regarding care for texturized hair compared to natural hair. When I was natural, I didn't practice healthy hair like I do now! I actually started texturizing after getting overprocessed with a relaxer. I've always used mild relaxers as well, but I had a bad experience with Affrim No Lye and had breakage and thin hair. That's when I decided to have my hair texturized. I transitioned from bone straight ends to texturized hair, and it's definitely benefitted the health of my hair. Now, back to your questions :p :

Like for fine hair is it okay to cut the time the texturizer stays on without it being under processed or is it too weak for that?
I have my hairdresser texturized with a Mild relaxer. The processing time is just cut down (5-7 guy works so fast!). I'm not familiar with products actually marketed as texturizers, so I can't comment on those.

Do you care for a texturizer the way you do for natural hair?
See above...

Lastly I have 4b hair but I have recieved conflicting info on past threads whether this type of hair can be texturized I really appreciate all the advice you ladies give and it would really be great to know I am starting this journey to longer stronger hair right.
I know what you mean, because I remember those threads from when I first wanted to texturize. I believe I'm 4a/3c, only because with texturized hair my coil pattern is just stretched out. My crown may be 4b because that part becomes wavy after I texturize. I would also check out Isis' album. I believe she considers herself 4a/4b, and her hair is texturized and LOVELY.

I hope that helps!
Thank you ladies so much for the wonderful information, and Oneinamillion I did take a look at Isis' hair and it is beautiful that was just what I needed to see how a texturizer would look on my 4b hair