Finally learning to let go....


New Member
Hello everyone!Ever since I joined this sight addicted to it!LOL! I see myself finding every free minute that I have spending it on this website. Having long hair is gonna come by simply wishing and hoping but by taking care of it and not exposing it soooo much heat!!! Ima stop think obsessing over it and just see what happens.I have set the goal of having SL by December 2008! With the help of the members of this site and doing my part I will make my goal in noooo time! Im mad it took so damn long for me to realize all of this! I just gotta breathe and chill out and stop stressing about my hair. When it comes down to it, Id rather have short healthy hair then grow it out and let it be unhealthy!!!One luv LHCF!!!!!MUAH!!!
Girl, I feel you.

I have been obsessing SO much lately. Well I've always been hair obsessed.:look:

For me, its hard because my hair doesnt keep a style and 5 days out of the week are bad hair days.

But if you have figured out how to let go, then do it!

I'm still trying to figure it out :lol:
Girl, I feel you.

I have been obsessing SO much lately. Well I've always been hair obsessed.:look:

For me, its hard because my hair doesnt keep a style and 5 days out of the week are bad hair days.

But if you have figured out how to let go, then do it!

I'm still trying to figure it out :lol:

I just figured that thinking that hard about hair growth isnt gonna make it grow any faster or longer.So.... im just dealing with it. I just got my relaxer on saturday and my curls fell so since I am a lil past chin length, I just part my hair and pin it up with a bobby pin spray some oli sheen on it and let it be for the rest of the day. Then I wrap it at night. Since I dont hardly go anywhere or do much it gives me the freedom not to expose my hair to lil if any heat. Ima wash my hair the weekend of the 4th of July and see if it grew any... we shall see!