Fighting the urge to relax


New Member
Hello y'all,

So I thought i'd come out of lurk mode and get some advice. I have been transitioning for three months now with a really short haircut. I have been wearing weaves as my protective style for the time being but lately this whole not being able to get to my scalp has been getting to me. I have crazy itches which cause me to wash my hair frequently which in turn causes the weave to loosen. I thought about wigs but I haven't found one that would look realistic, and I really don't feel like paying hundreds of dollars for some virgin hair to make into one. Another things is the cost of weaves. It's really, really starting to make me want to grow my hair out while relaxing it and transition once I get to a good length where I can PS using my own hair.

What do you all think? Should I relax based on my reasons stated above? Or should I continue to transition?

Oh and I forgot to mention....

I am leaving for the U.S. Air Force next year (Spring-Summer 2011) and I really doubt i'll be able to take care of my hair being almost a year post while i'm there. I'm not sure if relaxing while still caring for my hair will be my best option.

All input welcomed
Is your hair long enough to braid? I don't think relaxing and waiting for a longer length to transition will be much fun. You will have to deal with the crazy detangling sessions and sometimes your styles will just look like hell. Are you against just BCing? If you already are comfortable with short hair, you'd probably be able to rock a TWA very well!
Is your hair long enough to braid? I don't think relaxing and waiting for a longer length to transition will be much fun. You will have to deal with the crazy detangling sessions and sometimes your styles will just look like hell. Are you against just BCing? If you already are comfortable with short hair, you'd probably be able to rock a TWA very well!

I don't think i'd be able to pull a 3-month TWA, lol. I really, really want to transition and see what my natural texture is really like. But the weaves are just not letting me. And the haircut I have now would not look cute AT ALL which this NG, plus i'd have to use heat to straighten it every so often. Relaxing seems to be my only other option and I just feel like it's going to put me behind.
Wow, opposite directions! I'm 3 months into my transition as well (13 Weeks) and I'm heading towards getting a weave. I wouldn't relax. I was 4 months into a transition earlier this year and I hate I relaxed! I could've been almost a year into my journey instead of 3 months had I went in another direction. I'd say the weave is a good option if you were comfortable with it. My hair is still at a place where I can rollerset it and maybe flatiron it and have it be fine, but I know that isn't something I can do the entire time I transition. Dealing with the two textures is heck, and styling is just not going to happen for me after a while. I would say give wigs and half-wigs another try if you're not against them. It takes a lot of looking to find the right ones, but when you do you might find they're the best option. You'll be able to get to your scalp and protect your hair.

I totally see how weaves could get expensive after hanging around BHM for a few months...oh my, oh my.
I posted a long reply that didn't go through. The points: relaxing can't be undone, have you considered heat training, Hana elite is a great iron, and ultimately it's your hair, so do whatever you deem best.
Thank you all ladies! After braiding my little cousin's hair who is natural and WL, I had a major turn around. This little girl made me realize that if being natural is something I want in the future, I am going to have to transition regardless of it being now or tomorrow, so why not start now? I will look into half wigs, falls, and maybe even make my own so that I can be able to tweak them a little to my liking.

Thanks again lovelies!
i was on you tube earlier and saw ladies making their owm clip in extensions. that could be an option. maybe you can do a braid out and find hair that matches your braidout and clip them in. thats what i am thinking of doing. and i have a twa. ands its cheaper then getting weaves done all the time.