Feature of the Month


Well-Known Member
I went through as far as 06 have we ever had a feature of the month
that didn't have long hair?

No disrespect nor am i trying to stir up issues... I luv all the ladies that were choosen prior but can we/have we had a sister with short/medium hair..
I never questioned it because I thought that was a prerequisite. I think you have to have long hair to get the props. You'll be there soon :)
Well this is longhaircareforum so it makes sense that it's a long haired person right? :confused: I also think it has to do with how much progress a person has made since being on the board. Aren't most of the FOTM's longtime members?
bmoreflyygirl said:
Well this is longhaircareforum so it makes sense that it's a long haired person right? :confused: I also think it has to do with how much progress a person has made since being on the board. Aren't most of the FOTM's longtime members?

I guess I could argue though "what is truly long?" :lachen: :lachen: Maybe she is thinking along the lines of someone who doesn't necessarily have butt length hair, but its strong, shiny, thick and healthy ??? But I do have to ask why should it be only for longtime members? Just wondering...
bmoreflyygirl said:
Well this is longhaircareforum so it makes sense that it's a long haired person right? :confused: I also think it has to do with how much progress a person has made since being on the board. Aren't most of the FOTM's longtime members?

I dunno, I remember one poster in particular came here with long hair and she was feature of the month. When I was chosen I was shocked (some how my profile is missing now). I didnt think I had made that much progress.

I think there was a thread a while back where a moderator stated what it takes to become feature of the month.
I don't want it personally..
I was just asking...
But I guess it makes since u must have long and etc..

Thanks ladies for explaining that to me..
*Bre~Bre* said:
I guess I could argue though "what is truly long?" :lachen: :lachen: Maybe she is thinking along the lines of someone who doesn't necessarily have butt length hair, but its strong, shiny, thick and healthy ??? But I do have to ask why should it be only for longtime members? Just wondering...

I remember in a thread about this before somebody said they you have to be recognized by the mods and you need to have an album. If you just showed up here you probably don't have much progress documented right? It makes sense to me. I think it has to do with the whole idea of a hair journey. If you're a newbie you haven't really gotten far into that journey yet. Having an album that documents what you've done and the progress you've made over a longer period of time here is going to have more of an impact I would think. It shows how much your hard work and care has paid off.
that's what inspired the question..
I think Jlove would be perfect but I don't consider her long..

But she is long..Does that make any sense at all?
I've seen a FOTM with not so long hair. I've seen one who didn't contribute anything to this board. But overall I'm very happy with the chosen FOTM's. That feature is what made me join this board. Honeydroplemon I remeber when you were FOTM, you had your hair in a waist length ponytail, I think you had on a red shirt.
bmoreflyygirl said:
I remember in a thread about this before somebody said they you have to be recognized by the mods and you need to have an album. If you just showed up here you probably don't have much progress documented right? It makes sense to me. I think it has to do with the whole idea of a hair journey. If you're a newbie you haven't really gotten far into that journey yet. Having an album that documents what you've done and the progress you've made over a longer period of time here is going to have more of an impact I would think. It shows how much your hard work and care has paid off.

DLewis said:
I've seen a FOTM with not so long hair. I've seen one who didn't contribute anything to this board. But overall I'm very happy with the chosen FOTM's.

ITA agree with you Dee.

Remeber when So1913 was FOTM?? She has beautiful Natural hair and her hair is not all down back. But beautiful all the same.
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Perhaps we should have a FOTM for people who may not have long hair but who have made great progress. Yes, JLove would be a perfect candidate for that. Perhaps having a shorter-haired person whose hair *is* growing may be an inspiration for those of us who are just trying to make progress.

Of course, this is only my view...
Letitia said:
ITA agree with you Dee.

Remeber when So1913 was FOTM?? She has beautiful Natural hair and her hair is not all down back. But beautiful all the same.

I think it is if she straightens it... We were looking at her hair in its natural state with shrinkage. That doesn't mean her hair isn't long.
Its about Progress. I think that plays apart in the decision the mods make. I've noticed the girls who have been chosen for Feature of the Month have come a wayz and can be of encouragment to those of us who are still in the achievement mode.
Long hair, short hair...as long as your hair is healthy, who needs validation?

smh @ this thread.

Happy Hair growings.
Treasure2k6 said:
Its about Progress. I think that plays apart in the decision the mods make. I've noticed the girls who have been chosen for Feature of the Month have come a wayz and can be of encouragment to those of us who are still in the achievement mode.

I don't think that's true.
There can only be (12) features per year and it just make sense IMO that the majority of them are LONG haired women who have benefited from better hair care practices. "Down to your butt" length is no a requirement (I don't think), but I do prefer to see APL or longer.

There is a great thread of dramatic before-after photos that show improved hair health and thickness not just length, but many of these ladies (just like myself) are still on their journey to reach their ultimate length goals.

I think moderators do an excellent job picking both natural and relaxed ladies for the FOTM!;)
bmoreflyygirl said:
I think it is if she straightens it... We were looking at her hair in its natural state with shrinkage. That doesn't mean her hair isn't long.
her hair was not long at the time she got FOTM...like shoulder length I believe :yep: nonetheless I love her hair and was happy that she was chosen :yep:
bmoreflyygirl said:
I think it is if she straightens it... We were looking at her hair in its natural state with shrinkage. That doesn't mean her hair isn't long.

I didn't say her hair isn't long. I said, "We dont see her hair all down her back."

Long is different to everyone. (as seen many times on this board.) She leaves it in it's natural state and it's beautiful just as it is.

My point is.....your hair dont have to be touching your ass(or BraStrap in a pic.) to be FOTM.
Ayeshia said:
her hair was not long at the time she got FOTM...like shoulder length I believe :yep: nonetheless I love her hair and was happy that she was chosen :yep:

Really? Wow... Let me take my foot out my mouth now. :lol:
Letitia said:
I didn't say her hair isn't long. I said, "We dont see her hair all down her back."

Long is different to everyone. (as seen many times on this board.) She leaves it in it's natural state and it's beautiful just as it is.

My point is.....your hair dont have to be touching your ass(or BraStrap in a pic.) to be FOTM.

You're right. Long is different to everybody.
This post may have NOTHING to do with the original intent of this thread but it would be nice to see some features that more resemble my experience right now because it would be very encouraging....

That's probably why I have not put much effort into publicizing my album/progress, etc. It's a bit embarrassing and shameful.... Sigh....
My hair wasn't what most would consider "long" when I was FOTM, at least compared to other FOTM.
Cosigning with what the posters who said long is relative. There have definitely been some armpit length FOTMs and I think MsKenesha was one back in the day when she was about shoulder length. I believe the key is to have pictures that show your hair looking healthy as well as contributing to the board enough that you and your healthy hair pics are "seen".

I think that is good to have a majority of the features w/ "long" hair since that is the premise of the board and can be inspiring to a lot of people b/c they have acheived what a lot of us are still striving for. However, I also think that it's nice to have some diversity in there as well w/ regards to texture and length which has been done before but maybe just not recently.
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