Favorite posts/threads of 2004


New Member
Please list your favorite threads for 2004 as we are fast approaching the new year. Mainly threads that showcase that we can achieve our long hair goals to encourage others who are new to the board or for some of us who have been here for a while and need some "refreshing". TIA
That was a good one, candi...ITA :). I would also say DSD's newcomer guide thread. I sent that link via email more than once :) . Also, MsKenesha's definitive guide to hair typing. It was really helpful to me. And it turned hilarious, to boot :grin:. I know I am forgetting several, but these really stand out.
BublnBrn's post on Transitioning your hair with links to albums according to hairtype. This thread is the one that made my second attempt at transitioning a natural success :). N4U2LM's Fotki album, which was listed in that thread as an album to check out, is what inspired me. I really saw that it's 'just hair' only if it doesnt make you happy. When i chopped it was no longer 'just hair' it was All Me :D. When i saw that she had chopped from bra strap length down to a twa, i knew i could chop too :). - jainygirl

ETA: a link to the post-- thanks for the idea Cherokee ;) -- jainygirl

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I would say the thread I started on distilling the myths associated with Natural hair. It was very inspiring to me to hear so many positive facts about natural hair. :)
I don't know if this is possible but when you ladies post your favorite thread could you link it as well? Thanks
Cherokee said:
I don't know if this is possible but when you ladies post your favorite thread could you link it as well? Thanks
Thanks for the idea :), i just added a link to the thread in my original post. -- jainygirl
sbaker said:
I can't figure out how to get to my favorite threads or how to save a thread to my favorites. :mad:
I think that's one of the things that is still being worked on.. I hope we can get our old favorites back..I had a TON!! To save stuff now..do we have to do that subscribe thing?? Anyone know? :confused:
RushGirl said:
I think that's one of the things that is still being worked on.. I hope we can get our old favorites back..I had a TON!! To save stuff now..do we have to do that subscribe thing?? Anyone know? :confused:
Yup yup, that is what you use.
Nymphe is right, you have to subscribe to them I started doing it the other day, it's hard to start over.. especially when you dont remember every thing that was in your favorites.. but.. what else can ya do?
Ms. K's hairtyping was DEFINITELY my favorite. Not only was it very helpful and informative, it provided some good popcorn moments.

BTW, how do you subscribe to a thread?
When you're in a thread, you see the "post reply" button? Underneath that you see "view first unread" and next to that you see "thread tools". Click thread tools and choose "subscribe to this thread". :)
candibaby said:
When you're in a thread, you see the "post reply" button? Underneath that you see "view first unread" and next to that you see "thread tools". Click thread tools and choose "subscribe to this thread". :)
Thanks, Candibaby!
Yeah I really liked the Dicouraged 4a/4b thread :) and I like the Bantu knots craze that we had in the summer :)
jd_bdfly said:
Ms. K's hairtyping was DEFINITELY my favorite. Not only was it very helpful and informative, it provided some good popcorn moments.

BTW, how do you subscribe to a thread?
could someone please post the link for the Ms. K's Hairtyping thread??

