Fabulous rollersetting guide!!

:D Thank you for this guide!!! It is extremely complete!!! I will keep refering to it. I plan to start roller setting myself. Right now i only keep my hair slicked back in a crunshy. My hair looks a mess right now. Im 11 weeks post my relaxer. I am determined to stretch it up until sometimes feburary or march. So far it seems to work.Thanks again!
I like the guide. Thanks. I always snag or catch my hair when using
the silver pins. Still trying to perfect that technique. I wonder why
you don't pin the rollers together. I always do that.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! :grin:

I also looked at the table of contents, and there's so much info. I can't wait to try fingerwaves and pin curls with updos.

Thanks for sharing, Alexstin!

UrbanHeiress said:
I like the guide. Thanks. I always snag or catch my hair when using
the silver pins
. Still trying to perfect that technique. I wonder why
you don't pin the rollers together. I always do that.

I know! I don't like those pins either. I like the long silver ones instead. They don't snag my hair.

I think it takes longer to dry when you pin the rollers together. :confused:
Thank you!!! I luv roller set styles, but am still having difficulty rollersetting my own hair. This article was very detailed/informative.
Thanks alexstin! I remember seeing that first rollersetting tutorial (the .pdf one) during a search, but never did I know that there was THIS much information regarding all sorts of hair techniques. Thanks again!
Lovelylocs said:
This is really nice! Thank you. Where can we find more of these books?

I'm not really sure where to find a book with good detail and instruction. Maybe a cosmetology book since this is where the info came from.:)
I wonder is there a way we can find out what effects you get from a rollerset by the way you place the rollers on your head, for example, rolling upwards or downwards (ok does that make sense:lol: )
Wow! Just what I needed! I got my very first rollerset done at the salom on friday and I wanted to learn how to do them myself, this is great!!!
Very helpful......I guess you should not clip the rollers together because it extends the drying time? Makes sense but my hair is so heavy I have to do that.