
New Member

Subscribe to this thread and state how many months you've been transitioning, and when/if you plan to cut off relaxed ends?

There's something unique to our situation different from people who plan to BC soon and different from women just starting out... so let's join forces.

I will make a list in the original post.

SOUTHERNTEASE....17 MONTHS: NO BC... only trims after goal length is reached (MBL)
Mook's hair.......... 14 Months: Will Consider a BC in December '08
DenverGirl.......... 18 Months: NO BC... only trims after goal length is reached
adf23................. 15 Months: Will Consider a BC after 24 month milestone
loulou82.............. 13 Months: NO BC... Mini Chops every 3 Months in 2009
SimpleBrooklyn.... 15 Months: Trying to hold out for 24 month milestone, but has the urge to BC Sept '08 at earliest
cinnamin316........ 14 Months: Will consider BC at 26 month milestone
sunnydaze........... 14 Months: Will consider a BC at 18 months
crazydaze911....... 18 Months: NO BC... wants length (MBL-WL)
Ediese................. 2 Years: NO BC... only trims after goal length is reached (BSL)

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I'm in! Subscribing.

Sometimes I feel so lonely in this long term transition. You know, singing this tune! :violin:...the nobody knows... the trouble I've seen...nobody knows my sorrow.

I know Denver Girl & LouLou will be in here soon too.

I am currently 62 weeks into my transition
That is...

just over 14 months

Thanks to Denver Girl I am going to adjust my thinking and view the next 6 months as a 6 month stretch. I will re-evaluate my progress & length in December and at that point I may possibly decide to chop.

Southern Tease...your hair makes me weak in the knees!
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Mook! Don't be callin me out like that! :lol: but you knew i was gonna be up in here :sekret:

I am currently 18 months into this transition. How many weeks is that???

My plan is once I hit my length goal of MBL to trim 2" per year until all the relaxed ends are gone...that will take 2-3 years AFTER I hit my goal length...so I estimate my total transition will wind up being 4-5 years :eek2:

that is IF i decide not to relax during this process
Subscribing.......a week short of 15 months.

Just to see what I am dealing with, I washed my hair this morning and let it airdry, down. :blush::blush: Ok, on one hand, looking at those ends made me want to run for the scissors, at the same time, it re-confirmed that there is no way I am chopping before 24 months. I need at least another 10 months of growth before I am ready to cut.

I'll update my album this weekend. :yep:
ooohhh! exclusive! you gals are hard core. I don't fit the criteria but if OK, i might just pop my head in every now and then to say

What up Mook. You knew I'd pop up. :sekret:

I'm 13 months post (57 weeks). My plan is to do LCs every three months in 2009 on I hit BSB/BSL. (subject to change). :look:
I'm in. I believe I'm almost to 15 months. I got the BC bug a couple of times so to satisfy my urge, I cut a natural natural bang and a random piece at the back of my head (I know that sounds nuts). I like what I see, but I need some more length to be comfortable. So I got some kinky twists put in (I hate them..and I pretty much hate braids on me period, but I'm too lazy to take care of my hair everyday so....). So the initial plan was to do it at 24 months, but like I stated before, I started to get the urge to BC. So I came to a compromise...I set little goal posts. I will try to hold out for 24 months (April 2009) but if I can't I told myself that I have to wait until September 2008, if I make it past then the next opportunity is January 2009 and finally April 2009. Sounds good, but we'll see.
I'm about 14 months in. I was thinking of doing the BC next june which would make me at 26 months. I have to wait and see how much hair i have at that time, and then i'll make that decision.
I would join but after I started transitioning back in April last year I did wind up texturizing 4 months ago. I still feel like I've been transitioning for more than a year although I restarted over 4 months ago.

Quick question: Why are you hanging on to 1 inch of relaxed ends? :lachen:I am betting there is more relaxed hair on the top than in the bottom, I just thought it was funny... Carry on
question: how exactly do you go about trans'in w/o a bc? especially if you're a type 4 so there's more of a texture difference?
I would join but after I started transitioning back in April last year I did wind up texturizing 4 months ago. I still feel like I've been transitioning for more than a year although I restarted over 4 months ago.

Quick question: Why are you hanging on to 1 inch of relaxed ends? :lachen:I am betting there is more relaxed hair on the top than in the bottom, I just thought it was funny... Carry on

who is hanging on to 1" of relaxed ends?

i don't understand that last statment? :ohwell:
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question: how exactly do you go about trans'in w/o a bc? especially if you're a type 4 so there's more of a texture difference?

Really, you stop getting touchups but continue trimming your hair the way you normally would.

I'm a type 4. and there is a huge difference between the 2 textures. I deep condition often and I lean on cornrow styles to keep me out of my hair.

I'm a chronic hair player-inner!

Eventually with the small trims you will have trimmed off all of the relaxed length as your hair continues to grow.
Really, you stop getting touchups but continue trimming your hair the way you normally would.

I'm a type 4. and there is a huge difference between the 2 textures. I deep condition often and I lean on cornrow styles to keep me out of my hair.

I'm a chronic hair player-inner!

Eventually with the small trims you will have trimmed off all of the relaxed length as your hair continues to grow.

hm ok. cause i'm scared to let my length go.

Subscribe to this thread and state how many months you've been transitioning, and when/if you plan to cut off relaxed ends?

There's something unique to our situation different from people who plan to BC soon and different from women just starting out... so let's join forces.

I will make a list in the original post.

Checking in. 18.5 months. Also waiting for MBL or maybe WL. Not sure - might just keep those ends as long as i can stand it!
Aw, that sucks, I got excited when I saw the title, but then I opened the thread and saw the "requirement"...:ohwell: I am planning on a long transition because I am currently a blunt BSL and there's NO WAY I'm doing a BC lol... Guess I'll just go it alone since I'm only 14 weeks in lol. I've transitioned as long as 9 months, so good luck to all of you. I'll keep an eye on this thread even though I can't be a member :rolleyes:
I'm so happy I can be in this exclusive club.:yep: I'm about 2 years into my transition, and don't plan to BC anything. I'll start trimming a little when I get to BSL.
Aw, that sucks, I got excited when I saw the title, but then I opened the thread and saw the "requirement"...:ohwell: I am planning on a long transition because I am currently a blunt BSL and there's NO WAY I'm doing a BC lol... Guess I'll just go it alone since I'm only 14 weeks in lol. I've transitioned as long as 9 months, so good luck to all of you. I'll keep an eye on this thread even though I can't be a member :rolleyes:

OT: hey, 'nita- you got me!!:grin: I'm not planning on doing the BC either and still early in...3months- holla!
Aw, that sucks, I got excited when I saw the title, but then I opened the thread and saw the "requirement"...:ohwell: I am planning on a long transition because I am currently a blunt BSL and there's NO WAY I'm doing a BC lol... Guess I'll just go it alone since I'm only 14 weeks in lol. I've transitioned as long as 9 months, so good luck to all of you. I'll keep an eye on this thread even though I can't be a member :rolleyes:

I didnt think it was that crucial
who is hanging on to 1" of relaxed ends?

i don't understand that last statment? :ohwell:

Probably because it wasn't directed at you, it was to the OP SouthernTease. I was just talking about her siggy, about how we had the same problem. Hence me stating there was probably more on the top than the bottom...