Excessive tangling. Help!


Well-Known Member
I have a problem with tangles in my hair. This has been exaggerated recently when I do rollersets.
Before I roll my hair on the rollers I apply some serum and Elasta QP H two leave-in conditioner. I've only been using the H two for about a month. My strands seem to be fused together when my hair is dry.
It took me about 20 mins today to detangle my hair. It looks like about 5 strands fused together through out my hair is causing the tangles.

I find that if I use a volumizing conditioner my strands stay separated. I don't like to use volumizing conditioners too much cause they leave my hair looking rather dull.
Does anyone have this problem when using the Elasta QP H two?
What can I do to alleviate these tangles? Any suggestion is welcome. I need to get this under control cause it's causing breakage when I have to spend so much time detangling my dry hair.
I'm no pro, and I've only done roller sets once.

But maybe you should try detangling your hair when you wash it, or at least when it's wet

Apparantly less breakage that way.

That way you can wash, detangle, condition roller set.
seraphinelle said:
I'm no pro, and I've only done roller sets once.

But maybe you should try detangling your hair when you wash it, or at least when it's wet

Apparantly less breakage that way.

That way you can wash, detangle, condition roller set.

I always detangle in the shower. Been doing it for about 8 years :). My hair isn't tangled when it's wet. Just when it's dry. I just don't get it.
This is the reason I stopped getting rollersets often. I can't deal with the tangles. I never thought it was any of the products that I use. I was guessing it had something to do with the length of my hair. I don't know.
i have the same issue when i rollerset or twistout. i never notice it until i try to get it straight again (since i don't comb them out). i've given up on trying to fix the problem. i just know when i do it i'll have to cut out a few hairs :cool:
seeminglysweet said:
DO you apply the serum before the leave-in?

Yeh. Gosh I hope I'm not suppose to do it the other way around. I've been doing rollersets for years and years and I never had this problem before.
Maybe you should clarify and try it without the H-Two and substitute with something else since this just started recently after using the H-Two.
seeminglysweet said:
DO you apply the serum before the leave-in?
I always thought serum was the very last step. Am I missing something? :spinning:

I LOVE your rollerset Sweetcashew! :love: It's gorgeous, doesn't look like you ever had a tangling issue.
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I would try a creamy leave in instead of the H-two. It may be acting like a setting lotion. I can recommend my staple, Rusk Sensories Smoother ;)
Isis said:
I always thought serum was the very last step. Am I missing something? :spinning:

I LOVE your rollerset Sweetcashew! :love: It's gorgeous, doesn't look like you ever had a tangling issue.

Thanks Isis. I guess I was doing the serum wrong all these years. I always use the serum first. I'll have to try it the other way around.
baglady215 said:
I would try a creamy leave in instead of the H-two. It may be acting like a setting lotion. I can recommend my staple, Rusk Sensories Smoother ;)

I'll go back to using a creamy leave in. I was using Aveda elixir but my bottle is done. I'll try the Rusk sensories smoother. Thanks :)
I used Elasta qp h2 for a awhile and I noticed increased tangling after a while. It worked great at first but I had to let it go.