Excessive Shedding And Scalp Smell


Well-Known Member
Over the past month my hair has be shedding at an alarming rate. Since it started I had my vitamin D, iron, ferritin, B12, thyroid, etc levels checked and they are all normal. I'm already on thyroid meds and they seem to be working. Even when my thyroid was low, I wasn't losing this much hair. I also started taking Country Life Maxi-Hair vitamins to take with everything else I take for my health on a daily basis. The Country Life contains 5,000 mcg of biotin. I was taking biotin alone but my skin started to break out like crazy on just 1,000 mcg per day.

This past week I noticed my scalp had a pretty bad smell. Though I was only 5 days post wash (shampoo) my scalp smelled like it hasn't been washed in months. I shampooed Wednesday. By Saturday, my scalp had the same smell and I washed again last night.

I will see a dermatologist for this but until then, does anyone have any experience with this? Could the smell be a sign of...fungus or? I don't mind washing my hair often but I don't want to damage my hair in the process (dryness, manipulation), but I don't want to be bald either. I normally shampoo my hair weekly. I also starting using Nizoral Shampoo to kill whatever is on my scalp, but its drying to the hair.

Advice, suggestions, etc is appreciated!
It's summer time so perhaps your hair needs to be washed more frequently than once per week.

If your hair hasn't been shedding in the past three seasons maybe youre just now in your shedding season.

Hopefully the doctor has good advice for you.
It sounds like it could be yeast. You could try tea tree oil diluted in coconut oil and applied to the scalp daily.
Both coconut oil and tea tree oil have anti-fungal properties and should help if yeast is to blame.
Just dilute the tea tree oil very well (like only a few drops to each helping of coconut oil) since it can cause irritation and burns if used straight.
Thanks for the quick responses, ladies!

Tea tree essential oil in DC might help until you see the dermatologist.

I will try that!

Sounds like seborrheic dermatitis. Try some t-gel shampoo.

That will be my next hair care purchase.

It's summer time so perhaps your hair needs to be washed more frequently than once per week.

If your hair hasn't been shedding in the past three seasons maybe youre just now in your shedding season.

Hopefully the doctor has good advice for you.

Thanks! The shedding is quite a lot, I hope it ends soon!

Are you allowing your hair to fully dry? And are you rinsing all the product out?

Perhaps your hair is remaining damp underneath closer to the scalp, which could be causing both issues?

I'm sure you will get everything back on track.

I try to let my hair fully dry and I do rinse everything out. I don't use a dryer, but I may start using it on cool to get my scalp fully dry before I set it.

It sounds like it could be yeast. You could try tea tree oil diluted in coconut oil and applied to the scalp daily.
Both coconut oil and tea tree oil have anti-fungal properties and should help if yeast is to blame.
Just dilute the tea tree oil very well (like only a few drops to each helping of coconut oil) since it can cause irritation and burns if used straight.

It just may be yeast. I was on a pretty strong round of antibiotics 10 weeks ago and it may be that.
Sounds like seborrheic dermatitis. Try some t-gel shampoo.

This is what I was thinking. I would definitely use some ACV on my scalp. Put it in a spray bottle or something and spray your scalp before you wash and let it sit on your scalp for a little bit. I know that smell you're talking about. I know people who use to have this and it really does have a very distinct yucky smell that even if you just wash your hair, it comes back soon. It's a different smell from dirty scalp. Please try acv and maybe even some tea tree oil.
I personally would just wait to see the derm. Putting a million things on your scalp in hopes of alleviating the issue may just result in aggravating it further.

If you normally air-dry, I'd sit under a drier on cool air or low until the derm appointment to reduce too much long-lasting wetness, which will help the scalp fend off bacteria and fungi better. But at trying new shampoos, oils and products may not be the best idea at this time.
I would normally suggest tea tree oil for the common dry, itchy, flaky, irritated scalp. However, since you have alarming shedding and scalp smell, I say hold off for now on trying anything new. That way, when you visit the dermatologist, s/he have one or two less things to blame your condition on. Keeping it simple (for now) should help them do process of elimination a lot easier and get to the root cause. Perhaps push for a biospy as well so they can fully understand what is going on.
I personally would just wait to see the derm. Putting a million things on your scalp in hopes of alleviating the issue may just result in aggravating it further.

If you normally air-dry, I'd sit under a drier on cool air or low until the derm appointment to reduce too much long-lasting wetness, which will help the scalp fend off bacteria and fungi better. But at trying new shampoos, oils and products may not be the best idea at this time.

I would normally suggest tea tree oil for the common dry, itchy, flaky, irritated scalp. However, since you have alarming shedding and scalp smell, I say hold off for now on trying anything new. That way, when you visit the dermatologist, s/he have one or two less things to blame your condition on. Keeping it simple (for now) should help them do process of elimination a lot easier and get to the root cause. Perhaps push for a biospy as well so they can fully understand what is going on.

Before the last two messages was posted, I massaged my scalp with coconut oil/tea tree oil out of desperation. Yesterday I did a ACV rinse, shampooed my scalp with a non-medicated shampoo (Joico K-Pax) conditioned and did a final ACV rinse on my scalp. I blow dried my hair on cool (I don't have a hooded dryer) to make sure my scalp is dry.

The smell is completely gone for now though I wont add anything else to my scalp before I see the dermatologist. I got in on a cancellation tomorrow so I don't have to wait much longer...
@greenandchic - personally, I'm glad you tried the ACV, Tea Tree and Coconut oil they are all excellent products to fight your symptoms. I don't have a lot of confidence in doctors - and I always prefer to try to "fix it myself first" a.k.a, natural remedies.
As an fyi - there are a couple of threads on chlorophyll and chlorella. Both eliminate body odors and chlorella detoxes the body, plus it's filled with vitamins and amino acids. Our bodies are like any other machine, it needs to be flushed out every now and then. We don't realize that the body tries to flush itself by dispensing the toxins/odors through skin, hair, nasal passage, stool, oral secretion, breath, etc.. Similar to smelling liquor on the skin of heavy drinkers or bad breath from someone with halitosis . We put all kinds of things in our body orally, topically and inhaling but fail to "flush" the human machine. I take chlorella and every 3 - 4 days I'm amazed at how much (sorry) is flushed from my system. Even if you decide you don't want to add more supplements to your regimen - consider taking it for 2-3 weeks until you detox. You won't be sorry! There are many threads on the topic.
Thanks for the heads up, @ilong! I took chlorophyll and chlorella years ago (early 2000s) but fell of the wagon. My ND actually mentioned chlorella recently. I will check out the threads!

Genetically, (MTHFR Mutation) I don't detox very well so I have to force it on my body.

I saw the dermatologist today. There's so much information in my head right now! She did a "pull test" and did see that my hair is coming out. She also noticed a few pieces broke as well: scalp and hair. She did a biopsy from two areas. I gave her a list of medications I took over the past few months and she noted that hydroxychloroquine could cause hair loss. Though I've been off it for over a month, it could still be the cause. It could also be a form of alapecia. She asked me if I have a family history of hair loss. I don't in my immediate family on my mother's side but I know very little about my father's side. My father has very little hair loss (though he's on chemo/radiation now).

I mentioned that I have Lyme disease but most MDs are not aware of it so it was useless to tell her.

The biopsy could hopefully tell us.
Update Part II:

I forgot to add that she doesn't think I have an infection. My scalp looks healthy. The strong smell I had last week wasn't there and what little she did smell smelled like vitamin B to her.

Sending you well wishes for great results and a recovery plan to get you back on track @greenandchic. Did she advise you to avoid anything until results are back?
Thanks, @divachyk! Her advice was to just be gentle on my hair and scalp (though keep it clean) and how to care for the biopsy sites.

@greenandchic - I hope the biopsy helps point to what is going on. I'm sure you did - but did you think back as to what meds, vitamins, supplements, hair products you changed, added just prior to the shedding?

I think it was the meds I was taking. I've been researching that antibiotic and a lot of people are reporting hair thinning and dryness. I spoke with my mother (RN) about it this evening and she said it can take months for the body to be rid of it. All other supplements I take I've been on them for a while.

I ordered chlorella today.
I have scalp psoriasis. It was so bad my scalp was white and when I washed my hair, it would come out in small chunks. The itching was so bad I almost felt like setting fire to it would feel better at this point. I tried every at home cure as well as the oils and shampoos my derm prescribed me. All was a babdaid, always came back. Then I finally decided to use sulfar8 even though I was against putting petrolatum on my hair, let alone my scalp. Used it 3 times once a week on wash day and no more white scalp, flakes, itchiness, or shed hair.

Point of the story. Try sulfar8

Thanks, @L.Brown1114! I will hold off until I get a diagnoses and my stitches out, but its on my list.
@greenandchic :yay: on no smell, no fungus and buying chlorella. I think taking it is one of the best things you can do for your body, especially with having to take so many meds.

Thank you, @ilong ! I can't wait for my order to come in!

As an aside, I'm wondering if I should officially transition back to natural. I waver back and forth but I just need to see what happens...
@greenandchic - I love longer length hair in natural curly styles. If I were able to get my hair to MBL or BSL I would only wear my hair straight on VERY special dressy occasions, MAYBE. Even with those types of events I would rock a Teyonah Paris updo for most.
@ilong - I wore my hair natural for so long (life) and un-straightened for 11 years (not one flat iron) that I was getting very frustrated with my hair. I don't like stick straight styles but I was having a difficult time managing the texture and retaining significant length. As a natural I constantly had setbacks and that was with normal care. I still have a lot of texture even with it being relaxed.

With the shedding and trimming I felt I had to do, my hair is now a very extreme U-shape bra strap length.
I have scalp psoriasis. It was so bad my scalp was white and when I washed my hair, it would come out in small chunks. The itching was so bad I almost felt like setting fire to it would feel better at this point. I tried every at home cure as well as the oils and shampoos my derm prescribed me. All was a babdaid, always came back. Then I finally decided to use sulfar8 even though I was against putting petrolatum on my hair, let alone my scalp. Used it 3 times once a week on wash day and no more white scalp, flakes, itchiness, or shed hair.

Point of the story. Try sulfar8

Sulfur def seems to work miracles in cases like this. It helps to take it internally too...I take ordorless garlic caps. Just a few prod suggestions....there's Sulfur 8, Glovers, and you can even do your own sulfur solution w/ the oil(s) of your choice + sublimed sulfur (which smells better than the other 2 prods).
Simple solution is grease. After shampooing and conditioning, make sure your hair is still wet, grease your scalp and strands and the shedding will stop. Your hair is crying out for moisture. Grease will lock in the moisture and condition your hair. Shedding will cease.
See thread below for example.

Y'all would never guess what has CEASED MY SHEDDING!!!

The issue my be internal for me (health, medication) and the shedding is straight from the scalp, not necessarily breakage. Would grease stop the actual shedding (from the scalp)? Ill check out your thread!
Update III

The doctor's office called and gave me preliminary results. I wish they would have waited until my appointment on Tuesday! She said I have "female pattern hair loss with other conditions". I wish I didn't hear this before the weekend. My next appointment is on Tuesday...
Update III

The doctor's office called and gave me preliminary results. I wish they would have waited until my appointment on Tuesday! She said I have "female pattern hair loss with other conditions". I wish I didn't hear this before the weekend. My next appointment is on Tuesday...
@greenandchic there is never a good time to hear unpleasant news. Sorry to hear the diagnosis but you have to keep your resolve to fight the problem. I stumbled across this treatment, PRP, while browsing sites for hair loss info. I started a thread on the topic. You may want to ask your doctor about it at your next appointment.