Everyday bunners, I need a little help


Well-Known Member
I wear my hair in a bun everyday and I straightened my hair for the first time in about eight months last night (I've been transitioning).

Good news: My hair is a couple of inches past shoulder length in the back and it's about collar-bone in the front. It got straight pretty easily and it was so shiny and thick.

Bad news: My crown area was a little above shoulder length and the ends were rough and jagged so I had to trim that area a bit. The hair didn't blend with the rest of my hair and made it impossible for me to wear my hair out. This area has always been a little 'off', but I want to make sure it's not shorter because I'm using the wrong type of elastic to tie my hair back.

Note: I do wear my bun in approximately the same area everyday because I have to; if I don't wear it low I won't be able to get my hood to fit properly while I'm working in the lab.

Question: What are you ladies using to secure your buns everyday? I cut a piece of my satin scarf this morning and tied it at both ends to make my own scrunchie, but I want some suggestions from you ladies.

Try using a few Good Day Hair Pins. They put less stress on your hair than a ponytail holder and they don't snag your hair. They also have a really good grip, so they don't slide out of your hair :yep:
I use ouchless bands, a sock for the donut(wrap my hair around that) and a stretchy band to tuck the long edges under the donut.
Thanks ladies, I will give both of these methods a try. I've tried using the good days hair pins in the past, but my technique must be off because I can never get my hair to look right/stay pinned :ohwell:.
I don't bun daily, but I do bun regularly. These are my new favorite hair toys made by Smoothies. I don't even need to use a scrunchie or elastic when using these, they alone can secure my bun:


I agree with the ladies who suggested hair pins. I use the large open "V" hair pins (not sure what the technical name is:ohwell:) for all of my updo's and buns.
I switch between these big super stretchy and soft scrunchy things and sometimes I try pins but my hair isn't quite long enough/I don't know how to use pins and things.