every since i Bc'd people think


New Member
this whole time i've been wearing a weave! are u serious?! except people that know me of course. i was at my son's school talking to one of the sistas, mind u i just bc'd on 9-27, and she says loudly, y u took out ur hair? i never saw u without ur hair before. i said, i cut it- that was my hair. then she says oohh and it's curly, too! girl u got good hair. so i just laughed it off, but i was sort of irritated and i'm not easy to get offended or anything. but we kept talking and then she says, what color contacts r u wearing? and i said i'm not wearing any contacts and she goes wooooooo! u just sexy all the way 'round!!!!! should i be flattered r idk, insulted? i prop wouldn't think that way, but all this talk about chris roc & "good hair" and how we r perceived. and i got to thinking that all my life, people have always stuck their hands in my hair feeling for tracks. even my own family have asked was it ALL mine. in the grocery store, in the mall a lil ol lady stuck her nasty hands n it and said it looked fake. i saw an auntie of mine that i hadn't seen n a very long time and when she gave me a hug, she sneakingly stuck her big paws trying to see of it was mine!!!!! even with an edge of the ear length hair cut people told me it looked like a wig b/c it was so thick. it jusy got me to thinking, like man, is this how people perceive us, like we have no natural beauty r cannot be...? people have always questioned me like, it can't b true-- say it ain't so...i have 2 other sisters. one is a darker shade of brown and she is lovely!!!!! skin is better than patti labelle's, my other sister is a creamy mix between us and she has the really "good hair", but people don't question them like that & i'm the baby. i just wanna know: R BLACK WOMEN NOT SUPPOSED TO HAVE LONG HAIR THAT IS HEALTHY? NOT SUPPOSED TO HAVE LIGHT EYES? WE COME N ALL VARIETIES WHICH IS WHAT MAKES US SO BEAUTIFUL AND EXOTIC!!!! on 1 hand i'm sorta flattered that my real hair looks like a weave & on the other i want them to know that IS MY HAIR!!!!!!!!!!! I'VE WORKED HARD TRYING TO TAKE CARE OF IT. should i be aggravated r chalk it up????
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I'm sorry, but could you please hit enter a few times and make some paragraphs? Walls of text are a little difficult to read. :( I think I get the main gist of it, though, and yes...this is often a terrible stereotype that most of us go through at some point on the healthy hair journey, BC or not. I wouldn't let it bug you. Let it roll off your shoulder.
I read your story fine and yes sadly black women aren't supposed to have long hair or hazel/green whatever color other than dark brown eyes. These stereotypes aren't going anywhere anytime soon.
Every since I BCed, I have not been attractive to people that were attracted to be before.
i am sorry that happen to you , I think with this movie people is just being mean. My pastor love to talk about weave at our church, the sad part about it my friend has an illness and she has to wear a wig all the time and we attend the same church. I have been wearing one now since I had a lot of damage , but my hair grows back , but hers want . So what I saying you know you have pretty hair don't worry and tell not to put their nasty hands in your hair.
that happened to me too, by a close family friend. i always assumed that family friends knew my hair was real. anyway, last summer, i was talking to my cousin about my bc, and the FF piped up 'omg, that was your real hair?' :confused: i told her yeah, why would she think it was fake. she told me she just always assumed it wasn't mine.

anyway, i would just let it roll of your shoulders. maybe she'll come around one day, maybe not.
I'm sorry, I can't finish reading the story. Did she really say "why you took out your hair"?

<b>sweetspirit= I'm sorry, but could you please hit enter a few times and make some paragraphs? Walls of text are a little difficult to read</b>

sorry u ladies can't read:ohwell:

Thank you all the ladies who could read/ cared to read my vent. i just had 2 vent a little. idk, i just wonder....
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:perplexed Um.... I think everyone on the forum can read. Let's try to be civil, shall we?

The suggestion was made to use paragraphs instead of lengthy blocks of text.... that's because a good percentage of posters will come in your thread, look at a monolith of text and just leave without reading or replying. I believe it was a suggestion made as an effort to help you enjoy your LHCF experience more.
Chalk it up and K.I.M..they cannot help it...I can excuse stupidity:spinning: but ignorance, I cannot because learning and expanding one's small world of experience is as option to all:look:.
:perplexed Um.... I think everyone on the forum can read. Let's try to be civil, shall we?

The suggestion was made to use paragraphs instead of lengthy blocks of text.... that's because a good percentage of posters will come in your thread, look at a monolith of text and just leave without reading or replying. I believe it was a suggestion made as an effort to help you enjoy your LHCF experience more.

i was not trying 2 b funny, but i hope they knew what i meant. maybe i should have said, sorry you ladies couldn't read it as it was. that better, ladypaniolo? and that's ok if someone comes in and out. normally that's what i'm sure many people do when they don't wanna read it and not comment at all. it is ok. and i hope u don't take offense. maybe i'm begining to take the attitudes of many ladies here, b/c i see so many get offended at nothing and so much sarcasm. oh, well...putting myself in check.... i don't want to come off that way, but come on.
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You know what, the next person that says that to you, refer them to this site. It's obvious they are some of the many people who feel that black women can't have long hair. Those ignorant comments make me mad.
sorry u ladies can't read ohwell:

Thank you all the ladies who could read cared to read my vent. i just had 2 vent a little. idk, i just wonder....

The fact that you would question my literacy is laughable, considering...

But carry on.
Don't work yourself up about it. For black women, if you have long healthy hair or unusual eyes, people are always going to think that it's fake. They're going to think that you have weave, and they're going to think that you're wearing contacts. That's just how it is, because the majority of black women have shorter hair (less than SL) and dark colored eyes. And then, the majority of black women who do have long hair and light colored eyes do the weave and contacts.
For example, I was returning to my dorm today, and there were a bunch of black girls in the elevator with me. They all had BSL+ hair, and I was like...in heaven. But then I looked closer, and onoes, they were all wearing weave. Now, maybe under that weave, they actually had long, healthy hair. But I wouldn't know it.
If you tried to get everyone to understand that your hair and eyes aren't fake, then you'd just be tired and mad all the time, and honestly, it's not worth it, raising your blood pressure and all. Just flip your hair, bat your eyes and keep it moving.

And with the whole paragraph thing, it's true that most people will read a post if it's written in proper and full english, with correct punctuation and if there are clear paragraphs. It just makes for a more enjoyable read, and enhances what is being said, especially when you're telling a story. Like, we can focus on the story better when we aren't trying to figure out wut "str8" menz.
Just a suggestion, no need to :hardslap:. :giggle:
And congrats on your BC! :yep:

OT, but Lady Paniolo, I always look forward to your siggies and avvies. So sexyy..:lick:
The fact that you would question my literacy is laughable, considering...

But carry on.

o pls stop being so petty. i did not ? ur literacy. if u saw my post to ladypaniolo i rephrased what i said. i don't feel like playing this game if ur going to be that way and go back & forth- and yes i use internet spllng often and hit incorrect keys all the time while typing and don't always go back and correct it. my apologies kandake. be cool.
Don't work yourself up about it. For black women, if you have long healthy hair or unusual eyes, people are always going to think that it's fake. They're going to think that you have weave, and they're going to think that you're wearing contacts. That's just how it is, because the majority of black women have shorter hair (less than SL) and dark colored eyes. And then, the majority of black women who do have long hair and light colored eyes do the weave and contacts.
For example, I was returning to my dorm today, and there were a bunch of black girls in the elevator with me. They all had BSL+ hair, and I was like...in heaven. But then I looked closer, and onoes, they were all wearing weave. Now, maybe under that weave, they actually had long, healthy hair. But I wouldn't know it.
If you tried to get everyone to understand that your hair and eyes aren't fake, then you'd just be tired and mad all the time, and honestly, it's not worth it, raising your blood pressure and all. Just flip your hair, bat your eyes and keep it moving.

And with the whole paragraph thing, it's true that most people will read a post if it's written in proper and full english, with correct punctuation and if there are clear paragraphs. It just makes for a more enjoyable read, and enhances what is being said, especially when you're telling a story. Like, we can focus on the story better when we aren't trying to figure out wut "str8" menz.
Just a suggestion, no need to :hardslap:. :giggle:
And congrats on your BC! :yep:

OT, but Lady Paniolo, I always look forward to your siggies and avvies. So sexyy..:lick:

thank you chaosbutterfly.. very nicely said.:yep:
o pls stop being so petty. i did not ? ur literacy. if u saw my post to ladypaniolo i rephrased what i said. i don't feel like playing this game if ur going to be that way and go back & forth- and yes i use internet spllng often and hit incorrect keys all the time while typing and don't always go back and correct it. my apologies kandake. be cool.

Girl chill out. You questioned my ability to read and I called you on it. I didn't see the other post until after I responded.

All I wanted to know in my original post was if the girl really said "why you took your hair out" I couldn't finish reading the post because I kept hearing a voice in my head saying those words. It threw me off and I couldn't concentrate anymore because I really needed to know if she said that. Thats why I initially ask the question.

Honestly, I really didn't care about the long paragraph or the internet spelling... at first. But then you said I couldn't read so I responded as I did.

Anyway, no hard feelings. I'm not trying to argue either. I don't have the energy tonight. But any other night, it would have been on and popping. :giggle:
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hey Hysi! just read your post. I'm very sorry for the ignorance that the woman displayed at your child's school.

When i came out from the weave with my shoulder length natural hair, one gay man from the south that i worked with was furious. We weren't friends to begin with, and this didn't help any. He swore that black women were bald, and HAVE to wear a weave or a wig.

I came to work one morning wearing an afro puff (and it was huge). He kept looking at it from every angle. He wouldn't touch it, but it just bothered him to no end that it was all my hair. i could see him out of the corner of my eye. he was sitting across from me clenching his coffee mug peering at my hair in the light to see if it was all mine.

i bet if i had checked his hands he would have had white knuckles.

It's good that you're shattering the myth with your BC and your eye color. But most of all - with your intelligence.
Girl chill out. You questioned my ability to read and I called you on it. I didn't see the other post until after I responded.

All I wanted to know in my original post was if the girl really said "why you took your hair out" I couldn't finish reading the post because I kept hearing a voice in my head saying those words. It threw me off and I couldn't concentrate anymore because I really needed to know if she said that. Thats why I initially ask the question.

Honestly, I really didn't care about the long paragraph or the internet spelling... at first. But then you said I couldn't read so I responded as I did.

Anyway, no hard feelings. I'm not trying to argue either. I don't have the energy tonight. But any other night, it would have been on and popping. :giggle:

sorry about that, like i said- i worded it incorrectly. i really didn't mean it the way it sounded honestly. but yes, she said that. i didn't know whether to be be flattered or not. i laughed, then took it back like-heyyy wait a minute!???

lol@ But any other night, it would have been on and popping. :giggle: (oh no, girl here we go:spinning:)
Don't take this the wrong way, BUT i can't feel bad for a woman with curly hair and light eyes. Just because that is the envy of a lot of black women.
<b>sweetspirit= I'm sorry, but could you please hit enter a few times and make some paragraphs? Walls of text are a little difficult to read</b>

sorry u ladies can't read:ohwell:

Thank you all the ladies who could read/ cared to read my vent.
i just had 2 vent a little. idk, i just wonder....

Woww...I can read just fine. I wasn't rude to you. I politely requested a few "enters" to make it easier to read. I obviously took the time to continue to read what you wrote, or I wouldn't have been able to comment in the first place. However that's alright. You do you. Please recognize the difference between someone trying to catch an attitude and someone who was making a polite suggestion.

Reading some of your other comments after some people commented on what you said, I see that you "worded it incorrectly." However, that still made me take a step back and go "huh??"
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Woww...I can read just fine. I wasn't rude to you. I politely requested a few "enters" to make it easier to read. I obviously took the time to continue to read what you wrote, or I wouldn't have been able to comment in the first place. However that's alright. You do you. Please recognize the difference between someone trying to catch an attitude and someone who was making a polite suggestion.

Reading some of your other comments after some people commented on what you said, I see that you "worded it incorrectly." However, that still made me take a step back and go "huh??"

okay, sweetspirit, thank you. but i'm just saying now, for real this is extremely petty. there is no need for anyone to take such an offensive stand: if i was really questioning your ability to read, i don't think you would have known what i was saying in the first place. no you weren't being rude and neither was i (at least not intentionally). i am certainly used to shortening most of what i say on the net, but i can see there is a need, at least on this board, to spell it all out in order to not be misunderstood. i was simply saying sorry you couldn't read (it). don't know what else to say to you ladies because someone is always offended about something. there is just no way to please everyone so i'm not going to try. i HONESTLY did not mean it in that way and i think if others wouldn't have made it into such a matter, most wouldn't have thought twice about it. my humble apologies are to you. sometimes this thing is the debil:Devil:
hey Hysi! just read your post. I'm very sorry for the ignorance that the woman displayed at your child's school.

When i came out from the weave with my shoulder length natural hair, one gay man from the south that i worked with was furious. We weren't friends to begin with, and this didn't help any. He swore that black women were bald, and HAVE to wear a weave or a wig.

I came to work one morning wearing an afro puff (and it was huge). He kept looking at it from every angle. He wouldn't touch it, but it just bothered him to no end that it was all my hair. i could see him out of the corner of my eye. he was sitting across from me clenching his coffee mug peering at my hair in the light to see if it was all mine.

i bet if i had checked his hands he would have had white knuckles.

It's good that you're shattering the myth with your BC and your eye color. But most of all - with your intelligence.

unfortunate.... but that is too funny to say the least. if he'd looked any harder, he might have had to wear bandages on his hands the next day!teehee:spinning:
I cant believe have the nerve to put their hands all through your hair like that. Just keep it moving.

There will always be people who believe that black women can't grow hair.
When someone write a post lets just accept it, as it is and answer if we like and if we don't move on. We should respect each other post and statement. HYSi written this post for an answer not to be disrespect by other members because the way it was written. It was my understanding that if it is a post with a problem and members being mean to another member, LHCF staff can closed this post.
Damn you're getting hair molested left and right!
I suggest you go to a bank and ask for a roll of quarters, place those quarters inside a sock, use the sock to whap a few hair molesters LMAO

When I did the BC people didn't molest my scalp *LOL* but there was a rumor going around that I got a curly perm.