Epsom Salt + Deep Conditioner = VOLUME???


Active Member
I was looking on the web for something else dealing with epsom salt and came across this recipe for reviving limp hair? I couldn't find anything on here. I want to try this on my little one's natural hair...but not sure yet.
Has anyone ever tried this combo? If so, please post your experiences.

This was the recipe I saw:

Add Body to Your Hair
Combine 3 tablespoons of deep conditioner with 3 tablespoons of Epsom Salt. Microwave the mixture for 20 seconds. Work the warm mixture through your hair from scalp to ends and leave on for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water. Promotes body and life in your hair and restores curl to permed hair.

I will be trying this.. I used dilluted baking soda as a final rinse once and the volume was ridicuious!!
I tried it...and it did the reverse. It loosened my new growth and my daughters coils. My hair is very straight today but it usually waves up nicely after I do a regular CW. I can't complain but I was hoping to define my curls, as well as DD. I will probably try this again as I go further along into my stretch.
I just tried it and my hair is hating it. :wallbash: My hair feels dry, rough, wiry and I have major shrinkage, now. I used Queen Helene Cholesterol mixed w/ Epsom Salt and sat under the dryer for 45 min. I'm going back in the shower to do a CO Wash or an oil rinse.
The word "salt" is enough to keep me away! Salt pulls moisture out. At least that's what i was told by Chef Emril about marinating meat for too long. (I know I went waaayy off subject, but check my mood)

I decided to do an oil rinse w/ EVOO. Now, my hair is soft, smooth, silky and shiny like its usual self. :clap:
The word "salt" is enough to keep me away! Salt pulls moisture out. At least that's what i was told by Chef Emril about marinating meat for too long. (I know I went waaayy off subject, but check my mood)

:lachen: @ the bolded...

Epsom salt makes my feet very soft and I didn't think that it would make my hair feel so dry. I've learned from this.
:lachen: @ the bolded...

Epsom salt makes my feet very soft and I didn't think that it would make my hair feel so dry. I've learned from this.

Me too Mestiza. I thought the same thing about the skin softening when using epsom salts...I have to give my thread a thumbs down. I was disappointed in my results. Maybe it will work for some one else????
Me too Mestiza. I thought the same thing about the skin softening when using epsom salts...I have to give my thread a thumbs down. I was disappointed in my results. Maybe it will work for some one else????

You don't have to give your thread a thumbs down. I'll give epsom salt on our hair two thumbs down
and a swift kick in the you know what.
Well...when I take epsom salt bath if I have some minor aches and pains, I do dip my head in the tub a few times, which I do every single time I take a bath because I cannot seem help myself. I get out and condition and rinse in the shower, but my hair DOES turn out softer, fluffier and with more volume those times I have done this. I kid you not. I think three tablespoons of epsom salt mixed with conditioner is way too much although I have seen the recipe on several websites and they either say three tablespoons or equal parts of epsom salt and conditioner.