• YES

    Votes: 28 60.9%
  • NO

    Votes: 18 39.1%

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Well-Known Member
I just left the beauty salon and my stylist said I need to get me ends trimmed. She stated that my ends were dead (check out my photo). What do you think? Also, she said because of the dead ends, I would not be able to see my hair growth. Therefore, should I or shouldn't I get my ends trimmed? If so, how often?
just by looking at the very bottom, I would say yes. But I'm a newbie to the forum and I still get my hair trimmed. I would just cut off the scragglies.
I would get them cut. Your hair is going to grow regardless. I would just rather have healthy ends to maintain the overall health of my hair. Let us know what you decide.
Hair is dead, not just your ends. How do your ends look and feel? When my ends feel and look dry, even after a rollerset, I trim my ends.
amwcah said:
I just left the beauty salon and my stylist said I need to get me ends trimmed. She stated that my ends were dead (check out my photo). What do you think? Also, she said because of the dead ends, I would not be able to see my hair growth. Therefore, should I or shouldn't I get my ends trimmed? If so, how often?

It still bothers me how stylists say things like this and still keep their licenses. First thing is: Hair is dead PERIOD once it grows out of your scalp. Ive never been a big advocate of trimming, no it doesnt affect hair growth at all. When I started out I had very raggedy ends and got growth regardless. The most I would tell u is this, maybe get them trimmed ONCE for the purposes of making it even and then leave them alone and protect then with your life. If you go take a look at my fotki year 1 album. I started out with raggedy ends then trimmed them one good time and then I didnt trim for 3 years. Thats my advice, although I do know people that didnt trim at ALL and still got wonderful growth. Its up to you though girlie and let us know what you decided, but never let a stylist try to bully you into trimming if you dont want to, your hair will STILL grow.
Babygurl said:
It still bothers me how stylists say things like this and still keep their licenses. First thing is: Hair is dead PERIOD once it grows out of your scalp. Ive never been a big advocate of trimming, no it doesnt affect hair growth at all. When I started out I had very raggedy ends and got growth regardless. The most I would tell u is this, maybe get them trimmed ONCE for the purposes of making it even and then leave them alone and protect then with your life. If you go take a look at my fotki year 1 album. I started out with raggedy ends then trimmed them one good time and then I didnt trim for 3 years. Thats my advice, although I do know people that didnt trim at ALL and still got wonderful growth. Its up to you though girlie and let us know what you decided, but never let a stylist try to bully you into trimming if you dont want to, your hair will STILL grow.

ITA Even them out if you want but Babygurl is proof you dont need to consistently trim.
Can you get someone you trust to trim you? Because sometimes they say they are going to trim..so you let them...and too late you realize they have given you a cut....my old stylist was famous for that:eek: !!!
I agree with Babygurl. I was too scared to go to a salon for that very reason and still my hair grew and I retained length....uneveness and all. It was years before I evened everything up. I asked a trusted friend to do it for me.

If you do trim, don't let her do it. You could walk out of there scalped! Ask someone you trust if they can do it.
Babygurl said:
It still bothers me how stylists say things like this and still keep their licenses. First thing is: Hair is dead PERIOD once it grows out of your scalp. Ive never been a big advocate of trimming, no it doesnt affect hair growth at all. When I started out I had very raggedy ends and got growth regardless. The most I would tell u is this, maybe get them trimmed ONCE for the purposes of making it even and then leave them alone and protect then with your life. If you go take a look at my fotki year 1 album. I started out with raggedy ends then trimmed them one good time and then I didnt trim for 3 years. Thats my advice, although I do know people that didnt trim at ALL and still got wonderful growth. Its up to you though girlie and let us know what you decided, but never let a stylist try to bully you into trimming if you dont want to, your hair will STILL grow.
Okay! Thank you Babygurl. Yes, I agree with Angelita842002 that you are proof trimming isn't a must. Your hair is beautiful Babygurl!
I have not trimmed my ends since the BC in April. I don't plan on trimming until then. Even then I will only take off a teeny weenie bit. I rather take off a little at atime then to cut it all at once. With my track record, I would end up getting my new ends damage all over again and never see progress. I intend to see progress and still find someone that would listen to every single word I say regarding trimming my ends.
It depends what's important to you. If you bun your hair and/or leave it curly, I'd leave it alone.

If you wear your hair down and straight, I'd get a dusting with someone I trust.

As long as your ends are not split, you don't HAVE to clip them.
I think I know what she means... If your ends are weak or damaged they will continue to break as your hair grows making it difficult to gain length. Everybody's hair grows but if it's breaking and growing at the same rate it won't show.

I say trim 'em. Just a bit. But don't let her do it! :nono: She'll take off way too much.
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Babygurl said:
It still bothers me how stylists say things like this and still keep their licenses. First thing is: Hair is dead PERIOD once it grows out of your scalp.
Babygurl said:
( oops didnt quote properly) O boy, Thanx i was gonna have to say that myself,, I cannot for the life of me stand how hairdressers dont know SH*T about hair,, thats why Ill never let them mess with my hair again
Babygurl said:
It still bothers me how stylists say things like this and still keep their licenses. First thing is: Hair is dead PERIOD once it grows out of your scalp. Ive never been a big advocate of trimming, no it doesnt affect hair growth at all. When I started out I had very raggedy ends and got growth regardless. The most I would tell u is this, maybe get them trimmed ONCE for the purposes of making it even and then leave them alone and protect then with your life. If you go take a look at my fotki year 1 album. I started out with raggedy ends then trimmed them one good time and then I didnt trim for 3 years. Thats my advice, although I do know people that didnt trim at ALL and still got wonderful growth. Its up to you though girlie and let us know what you decided, but never let a stylist try to bully you into trimming if you dont want to, your hair will STILL grow.
i agree! don't let her trim you though. she sounds like she wants to take off a lot. find someone that you trust to take a 1/2 inch off.
Yeah, I would trim. I trim about once every 6 or so months.....and I like to get it done by barber cuz I know he won't be scissor happy! If I say just get the ends, he'll do just that!