Elucence:The Ingredients in the Ingredients


With Love & Silk
I didn't realize that the ingredients in Elucence are even better than they appear on the surface. This is from the Pleasant Image website.

Anise: contains high protein content (18%) and (15-20%) lipids, anise has an anti-septic properties and circulatory stimulating effects. Used in moisture benefits shampoo and moisture balancing conditioner for moisturization and purification.

Aloe: high polysacccharide content provides humectant moisture and protects against thermal styling dryness in smoothing shine polish.

Birch: high saponin (foam producing) content provides for clean, refreshing feeling; thermal protectant and foam enhancer in volume design foam.

Biotin: vitimin H used topically to promote strength and flexibility of hair and nails while contributing positive effects on scalp and hair roots. Used in volume clarifying shampoo for fullness in fine, thinning hair.

Brewer's Yeast: high amino acid content and B vitamins including panthenol pro-vitamin B5 provide hair stregthening and moisturizing benefits in moisture benefits shampoo and moisture balancing conditioner.

Capric/Caprillate Triglycerides: fatty acids derived from coconut. These water-thin oils mimic scalp's natural moisture used in moisture balancing conditioner for added shine and manageability.

Chamomile: anti-inflammatory properties are attributed to soothing bisabol oil, bisabol used in protective barrier balm and in volume design foam for shine and highlights.

Coltsfoot Leaf: high mineral content and muccin (polysacaccharide) content provides lubricity and strength.

Cocobutter: emollient content provides protection and care for dry skin. Creates occlusive barrier against chemical contact and moisture loss from skin and scalp in protective barrier balm (Salon product only).

Coconut: abundant oil and fatty acid content make the coconut the source of our cleansing surfactants sodium myreth sulfate, cocobetaine and lauramide dea.

Gingko: high flavinoid and free radical scavenger content helps increase hair growth potential; balsam content lubricates and adds elasticity. Used in moisture benefits shampoo and moisture balancing conditioner.

Ginseng: high pectin (polysaccharides) content moisturizes dry hair; contains panthenol and biotin to add moisture and fullness. Used in moisture benefits shampoo and moistue balancing conditoner.

Guar: seeds contain large polysaccharide molecules used in foods and cosmetics for thickening; cationic guar used for adding managability and detangling.

Green Tea: contains six classes of flavenoid anti-oxidants which can soothe upset skin. Used in volume clarifying shampoo to soothe scalp.

Honey: like glycerin, this water soluble sugar polysaccharide provides humectant moisturization and shine. Used in volume clarifying shampoo for slip and detangling.

Horse Chestnut: seeds have been used as an anti-inflammatory for centuries. The extract is a natural astringent and hair softner. Used in volume design foam and all day hold spritz to give less crispy more conditioned feel.

Horsetail: high silicic acid (a source of silicone) gives this plant it's name the 'hair gloss herb'. Used for thermal styling protection and adding shine in smoothing shine polish and all day hold spritz.

Irish Moss: high (up to 80%) mucopolysaccride provides intense hydrating; plant consitituent, carrageenan, commonly used in foods, serves to boost moisture levels in moisture benefits shampoo.

Lavander: high concentration of lipids and fatty acids provide emolliency and softening. Used in defining shine polish to smooth and control hair texture.

Lemon Balm: high eugenol lipid content promotes circulation; polishes and add radiance in all day hold spritz.

Mica: natural mineral for adding shine.

Nettle: rich in vitamins and minerals (including silica and sulfur); medicinally used to treat eczema. Used in volume design foam to enhance setting properties.

Peach: high pectin (polysaccharide) content hydrates dry hair; ascorbic, citric and malic fruit acids (aha's) provide softening. Used in moisture benefits shampoo and moisture balancing conditioner.

Rosemary: this multi-nutrient plant is a stimulant and astringent; essential oil stimulates hair growth. Used to improve hair volume, add shine and hightlights in smoothing shine polish and volume design foam.

Sage: often used in anti-acne products, unique fungicidal oils correct skin and scalp disorders. Used in volume clarifying shampoo and in fixatives for scalp benefits.

Silica: natural mineral for conditioning and shine in smoothing shine polish and all day hold spritz.

squalane: component of natural scalp moisture (sebum), this ultra light lipid is derived from olives. Elevates scalp and hair moisture content in moisture balancing conditioner.

Willow Bark: high salicin content (related to aspirin) and a source for salicylic acid helps normalize scalp and provides exfoliating action.

Wild Yam: once used as the sole source for the hormone pill, the anti-inflammatory steroidal saponin content is thought to be beneficial in helping prevent excessive hair loss. Promotes healthy scalp in volume clarifying shampoo.