Elucence relaxer?


New Member
does anyone use the elucence relaxer? if so , how does it compare to others you have used? also , do you use the no-lye or lye and what strength?
i would really like to try this relaxer.
Hi caralexis,

I use the Elucence lye relaxer in regular strength. I think it's a great relaxer. I like how my hair looks after I get a touch up. I've used lots of other relaxers, but I'm really happy with this one. I don't experience a lot of breakage after my relaxer application which is great for me, and it doesn't leave my hair feeling very dry afterwards.
Pebbles, does Elucence leave some curl in your hair or does it come out really straight? Thanks in advance for your response.
I have a lady that does my hair for me, and she can tell how it's working just by looking at it. She doesn't allow it to stay on for very long at all. I wish I could tell you more, but she really gets the credit for how my relaxers come out.