Elasta QP creme conditonning shampoo


Active Member
Hi ladies,
Those days, I'm doing more co-washes. And today, I used an incredible conditionner : Elasta QP creme conditionning shampoo :love::love: !
This morning, I washed my hair under the shower. I applied some Elasta QP condish and rinsed.
Then I air-dried my hair, and WOW :eek:
My hair was (and is) soooo healthy, bouncing, shining ^^ A few days ago, my hair was traumatised by Le Kair cholesterol. It's almost unbelievable...

....just wanted to share :blush:
Naphy said:
No I use the conditionner only ^^

I'm not clear. There is no Elasta Conditioner called Creme Conditioning unless it's new. But there is a wonderful Creme Conditioning Shampoo that's been around for a while. Is that what you are saying you used?