Egg Challange!!!!


New Member
It's time to put this myth to the test.
I believe in the power of eggs because all of my family that lived in the country ate eggs everyday and had bra strap length hair.
Since it's still early in the month, lets have an egg challange.
>eat 2 eggs a day
>observe any changes in length on May 6th
I'm up for the challenge. I've started doing this a little while ago but haven't been consistent. Can't say if I've noticed a difference yet because it's still too early.
Well since I joined this forum. I have been eating 2 boiled eggs daily for lunch. I have not missed a day yet and I don't intend to until I grow me some hair. So I am in!!

Oh, for those afraid of cholestrol. Boiling or poaching is the healthiest way to ingest eggs. GOOD LUCK
Coincidently, I have exactly one month left in braids (they come out May 6th) so I will get out the digi cam and take before pics today and post the after pics right before I remove my braids on the 6th of May, I am in.
Count me in!!! I get the most growth in warmer weather so I would like to capitalize on that and work these eggs!
I will eat 2 boiled eggs and toast every morning for breakfast. I probably won't eat the yolk everyday due to cholesterol. I'm in!
I'm up for the challenge. I have to go and by some eggs today first. :lol: I'm anxious to see if this is going to work.
cafe au lait said:
Oh, for those afraid of cholestrol. Boiling or poaching is the healthiest way to ingest eggs. GOOD LUCK

You can eat egg whites also. This way you get the protein and not the fat or cholestrol. I have been eating them for years and don't eat the whole egg (just used to it)..good luck ladies
Count me you have to eat the yolks to get the benefits...I dislike the yolk part !!!!!!
senimoni said:
Does the egg white have all the goodies in it or is that all in the yolk?

Egg whites are full of protein. This was reccommended to me by my nutrionist instead of whole eggs. That way I can eat a 5 egg white omlet if I want and no fat.
No you don't have to eat the yolk. The egg whites are the protein, the yolk is the cholesterol.
Just eat the egg whites (I boil mine) and throw the yolk out!
Whats An Egg Without The Yolk?

This is a question shall ponder on all day and try to solve the mystery


I shall try to up my egg consumption too. count me in.

I did this a while back too, just didnt stick with it.
I did this for a couple of months and did not see accelerated growth. I had 1 egg per day.

I will probably get back into it because I'm working to increase my protein intake and I enjoy eggs.
sounds like a good idea! I don't eat a lot of meat either, so this could be good for me. I can't make a promise I'll eat them every day though :look:
[size=+1]I'm in as soon as I finish th MC. I was doing it before the cleanse....and I believe it helped my hair grow[/size]
I am in. Two eggs daily are part of my fat flush diet anyway. I am starting on Sun. I use the eggs rich in omega 3 which are Eggsland.