Effective alternative to Blow dryer comb attachment


Well-Known Member
Has anyone figured out how to properly blow dry hair straight without using the comb attachment? I recently picked up the Willie Morrow blow dryer comb attachment, but those seams on the comb scare the crap out of me. I just wish that I could file them down...

For those that blow dry regularly... What method costs you the least amount of hair?

1. Blow dry using tension method, and run a comb/brush on the ends?
2. Blow dry using comb attachment?
3. Blow dry using concentrator nozzle and denman brush?

Any other thoughts are welcome. I would like to blow dry my hair on a monthly basis.
When I last blow dried, I relunctantly tried the tension method. I really didn't believe that simply holding my kinky hair taut while applying heat would *ever* effectively stretch it. Boy, was I wrong- I was in love! I always lost so much hair when I blow dried using a comb attachment, but not this time :nono: I detangled really well beforehand, and went to work using the tension method, and it was like magic. No little broken hairs all over my sink making me cry :( lol

So I definitely vote for option #1...
my vote goes to the tension method. i'm still trying to figure out how to get my ends straight with this method but it's definitely less damaging to my hair than any other method of blowdrying
+1 for the tension method.
I didn't even know it was a method, but thats what i do
comb through, stretch the hair, blow it dry.
Works like a charm.
Thanks for this thread and your anwers .Im planning on starting à routine with blow dry like when.i was little and had the best hair in my life ..maybe will get that back in future . :-) ill try the tension method then à brush or comb for the ends.
Quick question: for those of you who have tried the tension method, did you flat iron your hair after that? Would the tension method work if I want to flat iron my hair that same day?
Quick question: for those of you who have tried the tension method, did you flat iron your hair after that? Would the tension method work if I want to flat iron my hair that same day?

tiredbeauty On youtube, kinky kurly queen did a flat iron tutorial using the tension method and a maxiglide... but she flat ironed very very thin sections. I say it's very possible but results may vary depending on the texture of your hair.
tiredbeauty On youtube, kinky kurly queen did a flat iron tutorial using the tension method and a maxiglide... but she flat ironed very very thin sections. I say it's very possible but results may vary depending on the texture of your hair.

Ok, thanks! I'm going to attempt to flat iron my hair this weekend and I want the least amount of manipulations as possible, so I think I'm going to give this a try! :yep:
with the tension method, how do you get your ends straight? for me, the length will be nice and stretched, but the ends will still be bushy.
and others who do the tension method..

do you have a result like this ???

i luv tension method for stretching my hair but I don't like the result by itself, i want a "rounded afro" and i've only seen that on picked out afro or blown out hair with comb attachement :ohwell:

do you have a result like the pic ? if so any advice for having the result I want without the use of a comb ?
i don't use the comb attachment or a brush...
i uses my hands!
I just pull my hair taut and blow dry in sections.... :yep:
and others who do the tension method..

do you have a result like this ???

i luv tension method for stretching my hair but I don't like the result by itself, i want a "rounded afro" and i've only seen that on picked out afro or blown out hair with comb attachement :ohwell:

do you have a result like the pic ? if so any advice for having the result I want without the use of a comb ?

Unfortunately my phone (and all of my stored pics) decided to die on me shortly after I blow dried and flat ironed at the end of Dec, so I don't have any pics. Sorry about that :(

But my hair was more stretched than your hair appears to be in the pics. I actually did call myself flat ironing my hair after I blow dried, but honestly, I kept the heat setting on the flat iron so low out of heat damage-fear :lol: that you really couldn't tell the diff b/w the hair I b/d from the hair that had been flat ironed :lol:. However, this should give you an idea of how relatively kinky-straight the b/d got my hair.

To get that rounded fro look you want, I would just apply less tension to each section (so it would be more shrunken), then fluff with your fingers when you're done to hide the parts. Alternatively, you could use your comb to lift your hair from the roots, then fluff the ends with your fingers.
with the tension method, how do you get your ends straight? for me, the length will be nice and stretched, but the ends will still be bushy.

I expected this to be a problem, but honestly it wasn't. I overnight DC'd for like 14 hours beforehand, and detangled reeeeeaaally well, and like always, I did a ACV final rinse after rinsing out the DC. I then applied my L/I, heat protectant, and got to work.

Maybe my relatively smooth ends can be attributed to my super-DC and ACV rinse?
When I last blow dried, I relunctantly tried the tension method. I really didn't believe that simply holding my kinky hair taut while applying heat would *ever* effectively stretch it. Boy, was I wrong- I was in love! I always lost so much hair when I blow dried using a comb attachment, but not this time :nono: I detangled really well beforehand, and went to work using the tension method, and it was like magic. No little broken hairs all over my sink making me cry :( lol

So I definitely vote for option #1...

Yep, you're on to something! I'm relaxed and I used to blow dry with a paddle brush. But I found that using no kind of comb/brush at all and just holding on to my hair ends while I run the blow dryer over it worked almost as well without the broken hairs. :yep: I'm going to try actually pulling it taut the next time I blow dry. I bet a lot of relaxed ladies would love the results.
Hmm.... I took a nail file and I'm filing down the seams on my blow dryer comb attachment.... The seams are disappearing.. There may be hope afterall... :)
I have the same dryer attachment and I just gave it up for the same reason you did OP, the seams. I picked up a new universal dryer attachment that doesn't have the seams and the teeth are wider kind of like an afro pick. I used the new one for the first time today. Sometimes (after detangling good) I will use my wide tooth detangling comb and do the comb chase method while using the nozzle attachment on the dryer (the one with no teeth) and work my way through each section.
Another vote for the tension method. Any comb whether the roundbrush or the blowdryer attachment always leaves me with hair all over the floor
and others who do the tension method..

i luv tension method for stretching my hair but I don't like the result by itself, i want a "rounded afro" and i've only seen that on picked out afro or blown out hair with comb attachement :ohwell:

do you have a result like the pic ? if so any advice for having the result I want without the use of a comb ?

Krystle~Hime :yep: that's exactly what my hair looks like. unfortunately, i have no idea how to get the microphone look (i think that's what it's called :lol:). toyaboo2 on youtube has a tutorial on how it's done. maybe try doing a quick search for it?
Krystle~Hime :yep: that's exactly what my hair looks like. unfortunately, i have no idea how to get the microphone look (i think that's what it's called :lol:). toyaboo2 on youtube has a tutorial on how it's done. maybe try doing a quick search for it?

toyaboo uses an afro pick. she doesn't blow out her hair.
ok, so your resultats are similar to mine that means it's normal i think(i thought it was just me)