

Active Member
A new client (think that's the proper term) requested advice as to what style is most reasonable and easiest to maintain. I suggested braids or twists. But then I saw the lack of a hairline and recommended she wear a wig for a couple of months and start using MT.

She's opted to get braids despite my insistence that she try and fix her hairline first. So I wonder, will MT and taking care of her hair help her hairline? Or should I recommend castor oil, or rosemary oil, or some other treatment for her 1" of missing edges.

Gosh if she got braids, it may not matter what she does if the braids were done tightly: traction alopecia will still happen. Unless she gives her hairline a break by undoing tight braids, doing anything would be flogging a dead horse.

But if the braids aren't tight then I think any of the methods you mention are worth trying. I personally don't believe in doing 173927391873 things. Try one for a good spell then try another is what I'd do. But there are people who seem to have good results combining several products.
Definitely bump this in the morning so more people will see it.

Unless she's already kind of into haircare, the MT might do more harm than good. She'd have to make sure she's getting adequate moisture or mix it with an oil so her hair doesn't dry out and break off, which would make the problem worse.

Here's a thread on using MT with braids:


And one with tips on how to use MT carefully:


And here's a good one with thinning/balding remedies:

I agree with Nonie. if her hairline is gone the last thing she should do is wear braids. She could try and essential oil mix but I think the best thing would be for her to leave the braids alone and stay away from styles that put any tension on the hair.
She doesn't have to braid the hairline. If she had hair she could slick it back with gel or something but since there's no hair anyway then she's not missing anything by leaving it loose. Hopefully the rest of her braids aren't too tight.
Wooooww...really?! :wallbash: my Crackberry decided to randomly restart as I was a bout to submit a very thorough response to you ladies. :( *sigh*...Take 2 (short n sweet version):

Thank you ladies for your responses! To answer and respond to some of your replies:
  • she does not know what a DC is
  • there is no hair like for about an inch± then a TWA
  • she admitted to not being one to care for her style, just wants easy
  • wants a natural and short look braids-wise so I will be doing some nubian twists on her (*does a little dance* finally was able to start the braid with no fear of it unbraiding @ the base :D)
  • I told her she can only use MT if she adds more moisture to her hair...I suggested she cowash frequently...simple and effective since she probs won't do anything else
  • we will be visiting the BSS today and I will try again to help her understand the versatility/simplicity of wigs...she says they make her hot, but I don't like that reasoning, she's probs never cornrowed under a wig for better ventilation...
  • I don't braid tight...never cared to, I feel like there's a threshold that makes a braid tight enough to stay and if you make it tighter then you're jus asking for trouble rather than making it stay "longer"
  • I will look at other remedies that I can suggest for her and tell her sincerely...since she seems to want to know what is the best thing to do...that I will feel wrong braiding her hair and would prefer if she @ the least wore a half wig and began wearing cute scarves as she regrows(hopefully) her bald spots and edges. I want her ti only consider braids when these edges come back to life...whether sooner or later

Again, she isn't used to caring for her hair...not even hair board obsessed caring...but the simple pre lhcf etc caring just doesn't seem to be on her radar...how can I change her mind while also being very polite in my reasoning? I want to tell her MT will make her bald unless she starts caring for her hair...its serious like that. :look:

ETA: I love simple...I'm continuously aiming to simplify and find the perfect balance for my hair between nourishment and invigorating. I have really been thinking about this client since I spoke with her...I was so saddened and at the same time horrified at her laxness. I need a way to show her that taking care of your hair can be simple and doesn't have to be a chore.
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