Easy Scalp Degunker


Rocking the Casbah
I noticed about a week ago that my scalp was feeling particularly itchy and gunky and overall gross. I kept scratching and I looked and actually saw white patches which I assume were just patches of sebum. This was after using a clarifying shampoo too :nono:. Recently, I tried a scalp peel that was recommended on here but ended up getting an expired tube. I used it but it didn't work but wasn't all that interested in trying a new peel or scalp product.
I didn't have time to buy anything before washing my hair last time but I did have some White House brand apple cider vinegar. The reason I mention the brand is that I used Bragg's before but the smell was so pee like it was intolerable LOL. The White House has the "mother" but its not nearly as stinky.

Prior to shampooing I mixed 1/4 cup of acv with 3/4 cup of water and put it into a spray bottle. I sprayed all over and put a plastic cap on and let it sit for around an hour in hopes of dissolving the gunk and for the antimicrobial qualities.
This week my scalp has been so much cleaner and fresher and my hair felt super nice and was shiny after styling. I think I may do this often now. It seems to thoroughly dissolve the junk and kill germs.
I noticed about a week ago that my scalp was feeling particularly itchy and gunky and overall gross. I kept scratching and I looked and actually saw white patches which I assume were just patches of sebum. This was after using a clarifying shampoo too :nono:. Recently, I tried a scalp peel that was recommended on here but ended up getting an expired tube. I used it but it didn't work but wasn't all that interested in trying a new peel or scalp product.
I didn't have time to buy anything before washing my hair last time but I did have some White House brand apple cider vinegar. The reason I mention the brand is that I used Bragg's before but the smell was so pee like it was intolerable LOL. The White House has the "mother" but its not nearly as stinky.

Prior to shampooing I mixed 1/4 cup of acv with 3/4 cup of water and put it into a spray bottle. I sprayed all over and put a plastic cap on and let it sit for around an hour in hopes of dissolving the gunk and for the antimicrobial qualities.
This week my scalp has been so much cleaner and fresher and my hair felt super nice and was shiny after styling. I think I may do this often now. It seems to thoroughly dissolve the junk and kill germs.
Thanks for this reminder!
I remember when I had senegelese twists and I applied acv to my scalp and was astounded by the gunk that kinda just melted away. I might do this this weekend. My scalp gets gross to easily. Like it builds up oil quickly.
Thanks for this reminder!
I remember when I had senegelese twists and I applied acv to my scalp and was astounded by the gunk that kinda just melted away. I might do this this weekend. My scalp gets gross to easily. Like it builds up oil quickly.

Yes! It does really get through the grime. My scalp is the same; I get buildup in 3 or so days post wash :(. At least the acv treatment is inexpensive and easy.
I second vinegar rinse. Personally I use rice vinegar because I find it to be less harsh, it works :yep:
Good idea. I may try that next as a rinse because its like a milder white vinegar. I refuse to rinse with acv because the smell lingers lol. I'll use it as a prepoo degunker though.