Easy and Painless Way to Transition!


I realize I'm the Sta-Sof-Fro spokesperson of the year, but I gotta give some serious props and shout outs to SCurl too - on natural/newgrowth hair!!!
These products are GREAT for anyone who is transitioning especially! These products will make your tranisitioning process so simple! You'll be able to manage two textures of hair with no problems, no tangling horror stories, no snaggles and snarls! Your comb will glide through your two textures like nothing! Here's what I've found works wonders for me. I do this daily and also after shampooing:

Right now I'm roller setting and wearing pretty headbands to hold my hair back and off my face (very Jackie O) with the rest of my hair out. After taking out the rollers in the morning, (or even if I do a twist out, the routine is the same) I spray a little SCurl all around my hairline and then start parting my hair all throughout and spraying at the root only (not the rest of the hair) and man............all day long my newgrowth is as soft as a baby lambs!!

This process is causing me to suffer greatly from Hand-in-Fro disease!
I just can't keep my fingers off this puffy, soft, curly newgrowth! I'm a 4A and trust me, my normal newgrowth before I discovered what Curl Activator will do, did not feel like this! I can't wait to have an entire long, head full of this hair!! All Transitioners you MUST try this and report back to us to see if you're getting the same results too! Then we'll know it works across all hair types and textures!!

Before when I was natural I didn't use SCurl! Man, I don't think I ever would have even Texturized if I had known about this! I don't think I'm going to use any chemicals if I can keep it this soft and manageable with just Scurl and Sta-Sof-Fro. I've noticed though that SSF softens more, but Scurl Moisturizes AND makes my hair very very curly. It's like it makes the curl pattern more defined and the curls pop in all over (almost making it appear 3Cish, but it's not, I'm definitely a 4A!!! (The Water Test). Anyhoo, great way to transition! Oh and Relaxed heads, it'll keep your newgrowth super soft too to help you with extended your relaxers!! Cool!
Hi Caralexis! I'm relaxed and transitioning. My last relaxer was December 19, 2003. Right now I have about 1 1/4 inches of newgrowth, or just over an inch. So I plan on being able to do the big chop sometimes around late June/July. Then I'll be totally natural! I'm also going to get a digital camera here soon so I can post some pics! Are you transitioning too?
Thanks for this tip. I have an unused bottle of S-curl that I will just have to dig up and start using again

Wow Bree! Are you going to do the big chop anytime soon?? I just want to have enough natural hair so that it's laying on the back of my neck. I'm hoping to have at least 4.2 inches measured from root out to ends - but all over my head - by June, 2004. I also realize that once I chop off the relaxed hair, it's going to really really sprout! (At least that's what happened last time!) So I'm really looking forward to that!
Thanks I need this. I'm not totally sure of my hair type because I have never seen my hair completely natural. I think I might be 3c. I will try to get this sometime this weekend and will try to report back.
Well CocoaCure you could have guessed I am a 4a transitioning also. I haven't had a perm since June or July 2003. However I am just learning how to take care of my hair. What is your regime? I don't know when to use the surge and when to use the SSF. Not only that I have sensitive skin & scalp at various times posarisis and excema. Which I believe is a very very bad condition of dry skin, so I've learned how to maintain that.

I am also using the SSF on my childs hair and it is working like a charm.
Hey Hair Obsessed, so funny that you asked this question, I just ordered some from Vitamin Shoppe! The Doctor's Best! So yes, I'll be taking the powder form as soon as it comes in!! I can't wait!

Hey Gn2g, I would suggest not using the Surge is you have a history of sensitive skin problems because many people have had strong reactions to it! You may want to just stick with the SSF and/or SCurl for right now!! Surge is strong stuff! You MUST rinse, shampoo, or conditioner wash your hair within 24 - 48 hours of using it! (The spray, not the woojee cream). Perhaps you could try the Woojee Cream since it goes on the hair and the scalp, but the spray must be sprayed on the scalp! I'd hate for you to experience the burning, reddening, itching, flaking and other problems some women have experienced!!
I do think that S-Curl is pretty good, I have the S-Curl Gold. I haven't tried Sta-Fro. However, I found that the S-Curl was more beneficial to me during the first 5-6 months, now a year later, it does not do much, but it does help as always to retain moisture. I think Cocoa, for the time you are going to be transitioning that will work wonders, but for any of you transitioning longer, you may require a different regimen. You'll just have to play with it and I am saying this because I know so many of you are transitioning for more than 6 months. But I will have to try the Sta-Fro, what is the exact name?