Dryness attack


Well-Known Member
I have been pretty consistant with my routine hese past three weeks but my hair is still really dry. When I look at it, it looks moisturized but when I run my hands through it feels as dry as a desert. What do I DO?? My hair is natural 4a/b and I've been using scurl, aloe vera juice and redken curl refiner leave in to moisturize and JBCO to seal. It's really cold where I live currently but my hair is not long to put it any other style twa. I cowash daily with suave coconut condish, once week I clarify with ACV and then deep condition with a deep conditionner I alternate between protein and moisture. Today I used a protein condish so my hair feels a little than usual. I think I need creamier moisturizers but I don't know I've been having this problem for a week now. What do you ladies to combat dryness and what products do you use I am so :perplexed. However, I soon as I wet my hair, it becomes softer than butter...
IMHO, perhaps you should stretch your ACV rinses to bi-weekly, especially if you aren't using a lot of products through the week. I'm not sure if aloe vera juice or redken curl refiners are moisturizers, either :nono: Or perhaps you should switch up your daily CO washes to every other day? I've always thought washing your hair everyday, with the exception of doing daily work outs, was a bit much. Just tweek your regime little by little until you get it right! I would definitely add a product that's focused on moisturizing. I would definitely recommend Elasta QP Mango Butter Moisturizer.
The cheapie conditioners often have a lot of cones in them - that can make it so the moisturizing products you use cannot do their job. There is also debate about whether an acv rinse clarifies or not. Perhaps read the ingredients of the products you use and decide if you have the ones best for your hair. You use Redken curl refiner - perhaps you might consider other redken products - smooth down or all soft - I've read these are really moisturizing.

I wash/cowash my hair frequently, but I don't live in a cold climate. I use Phtyo7 and camellia oil - works like a charm. The climate makes a significant differencce because the extreme cold and dry heated rooms suck the moisture right out of your hair and skin. In a different dry/natural thread, it was recommended to use an oil other than castor in the winter time.
I think you probably have to slow down on the ACV rinses and reduce the amount of times you use certain products to see if they make any difference. Some people have had issues with protein condish and it may do just the opposite of what you are looking for, i.e. moisturized hair.
The cold weather is certainly part of your problem and I'm speaking from experience... The first year I went natural, I wore my hair out during the winter (at the time I didn't think that any hat could fit my big head) and I ended up having to trim my hair every 8 weeks because I had a lot of breakage and split ends. I used CD's Tui Hair Smoothie but I have now switched to Aubrey Organics' Island Naturals because it is cheaper and works just as well. The price is not as low as the products you find at your regular drugstore, but so far it works well with my hair. As Newflowers said, products with cones tend to coat your hair and prevent any good, moisturizing product from doing its job. Try to invest in products which don't contain or contain less cones.
Actually I think the JBCO could be your problem. Castor oil is a humectant, so it draws moisture to itself. In humid weather it draws that moisture from the atmosphere and into your hair. But in dry winter months the moisture it draws on will be from your own hair, b/c there's little to draw from the air. I would recommend laying off the JBCO for awhile and going with another oil like jojoba or extra virgin, unrefined coconut oil. Good luck to you.
I have been pretty consistant with my routine hese past three weeks but my hair is still really dry. When I look at it, it looks moisturized but when I run my hands through it feels as dry as a desert. What do I DO?? My hair is natural 4a/b and I've been using scurl, aloe vera juice and redken curl refiner leave in to moisturize and JBCO to seal. It's really cold where I live currently but my hair is not long to put it any other style twa. I cowash daily with suave coconut condish, once week I clarify with ACV and then deep condition with a deep conditionner I alternate between protein and moisture. Today I used a protein condish so my hair feels a little than usual. I think I need creamier moisturizers but I don't know I've been having this problem for a week now. What do you ladies to combat dryness and what products do you use I am so :perplexed. However, I soon as I wet my hair, it becomes softer than butter...

Are you using the scurl, aloe vera, redken and JBCO all at the same time?
If so, that's just too much for your hair at once. It should not take all of those products for your hair to be moisturized.

Is cowashing every day the best thing for you? My hair stays really soft when I rinse frequently (4-7 times a week). But, that does not work for everyone. And, if you have hard water you could be doing more harm than good.

I don't know Suave's ingredients but if it has cones it may be causing build up that is 1)blocking the moisture you are putting in and 2)not being rinsed away by the ACV. There is an ongoing debate about whether ACV actually clarifies the hair (as mentioned up thread). I know for sure that a baking soda water mix does though.

I don't know what you're using to DC with but your DC should be your basis and starting point for upping the level of moisture in your hair and your moisturizer should just maintain it. If your DC is lacking, then your regular moisturizer probably isn't going to be able to fix that. So, you should evaluate whether the DC's you are using are the best for your hair. Think about how they make your hair feel during, directly after, and the days after the DC.

The fact that once you wet your hair it feels soft tells me that it needs real moisture. I think it would be a good idea for you to take a couple weeks and see whether the products you are using are really working. I would suggest clarifying with a baking soda/water mix (2 tablespoons to 16 oz water). From there use one product at a time and see how your hair responds. Make sure you look at all the ingredients first to see if you can rule out the cause of your dryness without having to use the product on your hair.
I heard that s curl can dry your hair over time. It was in some other thread. I also know that a lot of those so called moisturizers just coat the hair and the moisturizers do not absorb....cannot help you though, my 4b hair has always been dry to the touch
why dont you try the coconut cream relaxer (which isn't a relaxer) Just mix plain yogurt with 2 tablespoons coconut oil and work through small sections of hair as if you were giving yourself a perm. Than put a plastic cap on it and let it sit for at least an hour. Wash it out, than Deep condtion and moisturize with some shea butter and coconut oil