Dry Tangled Knotted Mess


Well-Known Member
Ok I don't understand my head. Everything is going good with my hair. It's soft, moisturized, and tangled free. I get the occasional single strain knots. I'm very happy with my hair in general. I haven't straighten my hair in a long time. She been well behaved and doing everything I ask her to.

Except my KITCHEN area. It's like my hair has multiple personalities. I do the same thing to this area. I baby it and detangle it gently with my fingers. I put extra conditioner and moisturizers on it everyday. I don't know what to do with it. It tangles up within seconds of me combing it out. Right now all my hair is soft and tangle free except for that dry tangled mess strangling the back of my neck.

At the most it's like 3 inches long and it's because the ends of it always tangle and I cut it. I wrap this area and keep it protected. I'm really thinking of shaving it bald right there because it's such a small section, but it is giving me way too much trouble.

I just touched it and and I can feel how it's matted at the ends. I'm gonna moisturize it and hold off cutting to see what you all suggest, but I really want to pick of the scissors and go to work.
I forget who it is who cornrowed the hair at her nape and just let the other hair keep that area covered. It grew back. Maybe that's what you should do. Braid it and forget about it.
My hair in the back is similar. As soon as I comb it and let it go they start partying together. You will have to treat that hair differently. I am natural and I am thinking you are relaxed. I do that section of my hair in flat twist going towards my crown.

You can do what Nonie suggested and cornrow it. Or you can try keeping it in pin curls or small bantu knots if you don't want to braid it.

When I comb it I just immediately twist it or braid it up. Letting it go creates SSKs on the fly for me.
Bumping for you for more answers. I'm curious for ideas also. My kitchen is ssk and split city even after a sd and self trim. Today after sd it still feels rough and tangles I thought about just shaving it off today too!!!!
My hair in the back is similar. As soon as I comb it and let it go they start partying together. You will have to treat that hair differently. I am natural and I am thinking you are relaxed. I do that section of my hair in flat twist going towards my crown.

You can do what Nonie suggested and cornrow it. Or you can try keeping it in pin curls or small bantu knots if you don't want to braid it.

When I comb it I just immediately twist it or braid it up. Letting it go creates SSKs on the fly for me.

faithVA I am relaxed. I just put it on small rollers. I think I will try twisting because I can't cornrow and it's not enough hair to braid. It's like baby hairs. It's not the whole kitchen. just the line of hair closest to my collar.
I'm not suggesting you do this but I have a friend who has long hair and she goes to the barber shop to get that small section shaved off. I thought it was radical but no one could tell because she rarely wore her hair up and if she did I guess she waited until it grew in a little and gelled it down.
Is that where you tie your head coverings? Do you sleep on your back? Does your clothing rub on this section daily?

I ask because it sounds like that area has been subjected to more friction than other sections of your hair. If you can figure out the source, you should be able to correct the problem.
@faithVA I am relaxed. I just put it on small rollers. I think I will try twisting because I can't cornrow and it's not enough hair to braid. It's like baby hairs. It's not the whole kitchen. just the line of hair closest to my collar.

Well give the twist a try. I tried the twist but the hair was so fine that the twist balled up and became little knots :nono:. But its worth a try. If you can't cornrow, if you can flat twist it across that might help.

It is different because I am fighting against severe shrinkage. But when I was relaxed I was fighting against severe reversion. It worked fine as long as I kept it gelled up into a french roll or something like that.

If you do come up with a solution please let us know. I would like other options as well.
Is that where you tie your head coverings? Do you sleep on your back? Does your clothing rub on this section daily?

I ask because it sounds like that area has been subjected to more friction than other sections of your hair. If you can figure out the source, you should be able to correct the problem.


Well the rollers didn't work. I knot my headscarf in the front and and wear a bonnet. I sleep on my stomach. I really don't think this area is long enough to reach my collar plus I usually have a ponytail so I brush it up.