Dry Scalp


Well-Known Member
I have extremely dry scalp. I have been using a new conditioner and my hair loves the conditioner, but my scalp is gettting worse. Can anyone suggest a product I can use on my scalp?
I would suggest tea tree oil mixed with a light carrier oil such as olive oil or mix it with Wonder 8 oil or something like that to cover the smell ( its not a bad smell, just mediciny).

If you go thee tea tree oil route be sure to mix/cut it with something. i used it straight on my scalp one time and it felt good at first then my scalp was on fire after while.
I'd suggest coconut oil, tea tree is good if it is irritated but if it's only dry try coconut or jojoba, jojoba is the closest oil to what your scalp is lacking which is sebum. If you want a product suggestion try darcy's calp conditioner.
Thanks Ladies. My scalp is flaking do think these oils will be enough to get it under control or should I used a medicated shampoo also?
Try detoxifying and exfoliating your scalp with Rhassoul or Bentonite clay. Does the trick for me. Since I've been using either for about 6 mos., I no longer have a dry or flaky scalp. Does the treatment once a month.

As I am fond of posting, I mix mine with water/rose water using an immersion blender. It leaves the clay gel-like for smooth and consistent applications.
I would try doing an ACV rinse too. It always normalizes my scalp and is the only think that keeps the flakes away for me. ACV rinse combined w/ Tea Tree oil is always a winner.
Also, if you've never used Tea Tree oil, it's a weird consistency. It's very light, almost feels like water. So be sure to mix it w/ something else. I use Castor oil, but my hair is natural so I can take a heavier oil.
I think putting conditioner on your scalp can lead to issues that you wouldn't otherwise have if you were not massaging conditioner into your scalp. Your scalp produces sebum to keep itself happy but when you smother it with a lot of other crap, your pores take a back seat since you seem to have a handle on that. You leave your scalp nice and clean and your pores will get back to doing what they do very well until we start meddling.

Dry scalp may also be a sign of dehydration. So taking essential fatty acids and drinking water can go a long way in relieving dryness of the scalp, and skin in general.
I think putting conditioner on your scalp can lead to issues that you wouldn't otherwise have if you were not massaging conditioner into your scalp. Your scalp produces sebum to keep itself happy but when you smother it with a lot of other crap, your pores take a back seat since you seem to have a handle on that. You leave your scalp nice and clean and your pores will get back to doing what they do very well until we start meddling.

Dry scalp may also be a sign of dehydration. So taking essential fatty acids and drinking water can go a long way in relieving dryness of the scalp, and skin in general.

@bolded...this is exactly what I was about to say....my dd had the same issues and I started her on some Flaxseed/Omega capsules and she no longer has these issues...
Thanks for all the wonderful suggestions and Nonie what you are saying is probably what is wrong. I know I don't drink enough water. Somedays not more than a sip. I do like to slather conditioner on my scalp and hair. I usually never put anything on my scalp as a leave in. This conditioner also had a scalp treatment which I used to grease my scalp so that could also be the problem.