Dry scalp


New Member
Does anyone know how to help dry scalp? I wash my hair once a week and lately the next day after I wash it my scalp itches. I don't see dandruff after I scratch it and my hair is not flaking. I keep my hair moisturized but I must not be moisturizing my scalp enough if that makes since. Is there a remedy for this?
Try a hot oil treatment next time you wash. That may leave sufficient oil on your scalp to combat the dryness. Or do a scalp massage with light oils the next day after your wash.

Also, examine the products that you're using. It may be causing the dryness.
It's probably due to the change in weather. I second hot oil, it's the only real benefit I think it provided me. But after a series of them it was all good. :)
My scalp was like this when I used shampoo often. I had flakes on the next day too along with an itchy scalp. Since I started just using conditioner to wash my hair, I no longer have this problem.

If you must use shampoo, try to mix a small amount of it with water instead of using straight shampoo.

a nice blend of essential oils massaged into the scalp can alleviate this problem. I sometimes mix olive, castor, joboba,peppermint and rosemary oils and use them on my scalp! THe feeling is so stimulating and invigorating.
I definitely feel your pain when it comes to a dry scalp. I've suffered with one for as long as I can remember, and it's always worse during the winter months. After using almost every "dry scalp" product, I've found that applying essential oils to my scalp while my hair is still damp after washings and then wrapping actually helps to provide more moisture to my scalp than applying them after I have wrapped and dried my hair. I also use a cream-based product (JF Relax Moisture Re-Hydrating Balm) on my scalp twice to three times a week and it's working much better for me than the oil based scalp conditioners that I've used, and as an added plus, the balm does an excellent job at keeping my new growth soft and smooth. I'd also suggest increasing your water intake to keep your body/skin/scalp as hydrated as possible.
If you don't see dandruff and it's right after you wash your hair, it could be due to product build-up. If the hot oil and other stuff everybody suggested you try doesn't work, try clarifying your scalp.
My scalp gets super flaky when I don't wash it often. I now give myself a pre-shampoo hot oil treatment mixed with Lustrasilk Tea Tree Oil Cholestorol and wash 2x a week and that really helps.
I oil my scalp before washing. The only shampoo that doesn't dry my scalp out is elucence. Nothing else can get close to my scalp! I remember that viscious cycle...wash only to have to wash the next day again and itch like crazy!
Strive4longhair said:
Does anyone know how to help dry scalp? I wash my hair once a week and lately the next day after I wash it my scalp itches. I don't see dandruff after I scratch it and my hair is not flaking. I keep my hair moisturized but I must not be moisturizing my scalp enough if that makes since. Is there a remedy for this?
Which shampoo do you use? Check and see if you shampoo has SLS as an ingredient. If so, this may be the cause. I agree that you could be allergic to one of the ingredients in your shampoo or your shampoo may just be too drying. :) Try a shampoo/conditioner that is more moisturizing , if possible, and see if that makes a difference.

Also, some oils can have this effect as well. I've found that I can't use WGO on my scalp without any irritation, so I've stopped using it. Experiment w. your products until you find the culprit.

If it's not the shampoo and your scalp behave this way no matter which shampoo you use, then I recommend that you try using pure coconut oil on your scalp. :) I used to have a chronic dry, itchy, dandruffy scalp problem and coconut oil came to my rescue. ;)
Thank you to everyone who replied. Tonight is my wash night so I am definitely going to try the hot oil treatment. I am also going to increase my water intake (I am horrible with this). I'll let you know how it goes.
I agree with the suggestion about drinking more water. A humidifier might help too, since it's winter and the air has less moisture. Periodic scalp massages might help relieve some of the tightness.