DRY Hair from COWASHING???!!!


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I wanted to try and increase my hair's moisture and growth by Cowashing. My hair has not felt so great the two times I did it. Maybe, I don't use enough conditioner? I use Avalon Organics Lavender. Maybe I need to add oil to it? I'm trying to make this work, ladies --what do I need to do? My scalp is fine , so no worries there. I'm a transitioning type 4(a, I think). What makes Cowashing effective for u? I saturate my hair with water, so it is rinsed well before the conditioner is applied. Give me some ideas ,to make this better.....please :)
Does that conditioner have cones in it? Did you clarify before you started your cowashing regimen?
I had to change my conditioner to prevent this from happening. I now use giovanni moisture conditioner but what I noticed makes a difference is the temperature of the water. For my hair I have to use water thats just a little warmer than luke.

Hope this helps!
just sounds like you need to find a conditioner that works better for your hair. My hair likes the cheapy cons for co-washing.
Does that conditioner have cones in it? Did you clarify before you started your cowashing regimen?

It does not have cones in it. But, I did NOT clarify because the stylist said my hair was dry two weeks ago when I went to get it cut. Should I do it any way??
trader joes condish is the best for it and it is good to have clarfied you hair before... also sliding some oil before styling or finishing a wng is good to seal and keep the moisture
Clarifying is a good idea before starting a cowashing regimen. You may have old product buildup that's trapping moisture out of your hair. And/or this is just not the right conditioner for you. For cowashing my transitioning hair, I like Aussie Moist and HE Hello Hydration.
I have a J/A/S/O/N's Lavender Conditioner that says: "Lavender Strengthening Conditioner"

So, I think mine (the Jason's) may have some protein-like properities in it which is why they labeled it a "Strengthening Conditioner"

Check the bottle and see what they say about Avalon (which is a similar natural based product line).

IA w/Everyone else. Clarify first.:yep: And if by chance, the Avalon Lavender is has strengthening properities, I would follow-up with my Moisturizing products.
You need to find a con that works with your hair! It does take some time to find the right one...Def start with the Giovanni Moisture Con...my hair LUVES it and im a 4a/4B mix
I'm glad you posted this , co washing has stopped my breakage in its TRACKS!! I'm so happy , I wash my hair with Aussie Moist , then apply a little lacio-lacio , kinky curly ( to define my curls) ,and olive oil to seal. my hair has stayed soft and moisturized. At night I braid and baggy my ends. I haven't had any build up because I use a little product in my hair. My hair was dry at first but I had to keep finding what worked for ME:lick:
lavender is good for OILY skin....maybe that's the culprit. buildup does that also.

oh saw you figured it out.
Those Suave conditioners dry my hair out something terrible. I recommend Aussie Conditioners if we're talking about drugstore moisture varieties. ORS Replenishing Pack for Moisture and protein balance.
Make sure you use a "moisturizing conditioner" to co-wash....The clarifying ones may have some strong natural cleansers in them that work as well as a shampoo. Companies are doing this now since people are 'co-washing' more....The "strengthening" conditioners may have protein which will make the hair stronger, not necessarily softer.....

Its good to clarify before starting a co-washing regimen. I clarify 1-2 times a month with 1 tbsp of ACV mixed in 1L of warm water (let sit 15 minutes)....Or I will use a shampoo with sulfates such as CON....I use CON maybe every other month.....But clarifying from time to time helps....

If that still doesn't help when you co-wash, add a little oil like Castor Oil to it, and let your condish sit for like 30-45 minutes or more....then rinse like 90-95%, leaving some of the diluted condish in the hair.......I did this the other day and 4 days later my hair feels soft and moisturized...I will clarify next wash, since I did it 2 weeks ago....

I'm a mixologist, and I am not averse to cones right now...I minimize them as much as possible during the week....like my last co-wash/DC I mixed VO5 (Moisturizing Condish-pomegranate and grapeseed oil) with ORS Replenishing pack a dollop of Joico Kpax and Castor Oil for 20 hours....washed out, did a light blow-out with a little CHI Silk infusion....4 days later (though my roots reverted from working out) my hair feels moisturized and soft......I wear twists and just took the twists down today, and my hair feels great...I co-wash weekly with VO5....(cone-free)

I havent done anything but add a little castor oil (for thickness) to the scalp once, and some leave in on my ends for protection...I have not re-moisturized at all.....

This takes time, patience, and for some----creativity...
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I also would recommend co-washing with the cheapie conditioners. Not only is it easier on your budget but there is so much less build up. I cowash with V05 and if I can't find that Suave. My hair loves it.