Dry Flaky Scalp..Help!!!!!


New Member
Ok where to start..ok.I was diagnosed with seborrheic dermatitis and have successfully treated with coal tar shampoo for ten years.Last November I got a very bad flair up and have been treating it ever since.I haven't visited the doctor because I don't believe in western medicine(and mostly they didn't help me to much before,just gave me alot of steroids and painful cortisone shots).I'm thinking of going to a chinese herbalist which I have found great results with before.However before I trek on down to china town in this lovely weather(I'm in nyc)I would love to hear your ladies suggestions first.I have tried nizoral ,my beloved coal tar and tea tree oil with decent result and hair loss(ugh).I'm now doing cw which saves my hair and oiling my scalp with a mixture of tea tree oil,olive oil and monastat.That works for like two days then the itchy flakes come back.Recently the flakes have come back overnight when I added peppermint oil to my conditioners.It felt great but seemed to make it worst.Any help ladies?What are your experiences?
I have just started using the Revitalizing Balm from Growth Specifics for my itchy scalp, and it is working well so far.