Dry Braidout VS. Wet Braidout pics included


New Member
I did an experiment on what the difference in length would be when i did a braidout on dry and wet hair using the same hair products.

Here are the comparison pics

Braidout on Wet Hair

Braidout on Dry Hair

Dry hair has way more volume and length. The products I used was Shea Moisture Coconut & Hibiscus Curl Smoothie, and thats it.

(Although my hair is shorter with the wet braidout...I think I like that syle a lot better).
Ah, nice experiment. I never thought about doing anything like this, but thanks a lot :). I think both look nice, but I prefer the dry braidout for sure :yep: (making mental notes for future style idea)
Both methods gave you beautiful results. I'm just partial to big hair. The bigger the
better, IMO.

You're very pretty too, btw :yep::yep:
They both look nice. I find any set done on wet hair is more defined and lasts longer. Dry braidouts and twistouts often lose their definition quickly. But they are more voluminous and longer.
how did you do the dry one?

was it on a dry wng, straightened?

All I did to achieve the dry braid out was let my wash n go dry then apply the shea moisture coconut & hibuscus curl smoothie on my hair then braid. It was that simple. I don't attempt to straighten my hair...it never gets straight lol:lachen:
Both methods look great on you. You have a beautiful head of hair!

On me, I prefer the dry braidout. The wet braidout takes WAY too long to dry and I sometimes get frizzy ends with wet braidouts. Also, the dry braidout is a little less damaging on my hair because I start braidouts at 6 weeks post and I can finger comb dry hair easier than wet hair.