Dry and Itchy Scalp when new growth kicks in


Okay. I am 4b relaxed. I have used Keracare (Orange) grease. I can't recall the name. It was too heavy and didn't work. I do use their Dry & Itchy scalp poo and conditioner. It does work.

I was just wondering if anyone can recommend a product to put on my new growth every other day when I'm stretching my relaxers, once my hair starts to become dry and itch.:ohwell:
I use S Curl and seal. My winter seal is sunflower, jojoba, and extra virgin olive oil mixture. Summer my seal oil is EVCO.
For the scalp though, definitely take omega 3. And I tend to avoiding shampooing my scalp, or it gets painfully dry and itchy.

To moisturise your NG? I just made a thread on how to ensure you're getting product on the inside of your hair. So i'll let you know if i get responses. I don't want to be neglecting my NG!
I've got seborrheic dermatitis. This means I have dry itchy scalp at all times. Especially during stretches. I just wrote a post about using essential oils in a tiny little spray bottle that goes straight to the scalp. I do this a couple of times a week and it's made a huge difference in my flaking and shedding.
I have that problem too when I start to get new growth at 3 weeks and the only cure for me is to wash my hair. It lasts no more than 3 or 4 days and then I wash again. Very little else works for me.
Once my NG kicks in, I throw in a mid week co-wash to keep my NG moist. I rarely get itchies so that's not an issue for me.
back when I was relaxing i did a mid week co wash and a daily scalp massage with a 50/50 mix of tea tree oil and olive oil. That cured 90% of my itchies....particularly in the winter months when my scalp was exposed to the elements more. Hope that helps.