drinking water and hair growth


New Member
Can someone tell me how the amount of drinking water can affect your hair growth? I know it is important to drink a lot of water, but I was wondering how it is related to hair growth, and why it is important to drink a lot of water when growing healthy hair.:confused:
growinglong777 said:
Can someone tell me how the amount of drinking water can affect your hair growth? I know it is important to drink a lot of water, but I was wondering how it is related to hair growth, and why it is important to drink a lot of water when growing healthy hair.:confused:

Hi, I don't know the specific percentage but the body is composed of a large amount of water. Which is necessary for a lot of functions to take place at a normal rate. Water is a great moisturizer, it works with the body to take care of you skin, hair, nails , ph and a whole slew of other things. Now if you're asking will drinking water affect the growth of your hair, I don't know. But it has sure helped my hair. But that's of course in conjunction with a lot of other things , like eating healthy, working out, no direct heat and such. HTH
The body is like 60-80% water and the cells that drive hair growth will not even reproduce and tje hair will become parched if we don't drink enough water.
From experience my hair grew faster when I drank more water. Lately I have been getting lazy and drinking pop :/

but ..water cleanses your system and actually circulates your scalp.
it nourishes your body.
It's important to keep the hair moisturized and water moisturizes our skin and hair from the inside out.:)
I hate drinking water. I just dont like the taste. I know its weid but I will really try to drink at least 2 bottles a day for now...
I was told once by my doctor which no longer my doctor any more water make u fat :eek:


The lady on the news died from drinkin 2 gallons of water:confused:

The water comes out the sink gives u lead posion tha why i buy a filter for my refrig but still i hate water toooo.
loveable37 said:
I was told once by my doctor which no longer my doctor any more water make u fat :eek:


The lady on the news died from drinkin 2 gallons of water:confused:

The water comes out the sink gives u lead posion tha why i buy a filter for my refrig but still i hate water toooo.

I KNOW!!! Suprisingly, drinking too much water can actually kill you. That is the third case here in CA that I've heard of people dying from drinking too much water. It's unbelieable.

So ladies, drink enough water...but not too much.
The recommended amount of water to drink daily for health is 1/2 your weight in ounces of water.
ak46 said:
I KNOW!!! Suprisingly, drinking too much water can actually kill you. That is the third case here in CA that I've heard of people dying from drinking too much water. It's unbelieable.

So ladies, drink enough water...but not too much.

1)I couldn't let this go. Water does not have fat in it...it doesn't make you fat. Yes it has minute trace amount of minerals but not enough to effect you. Tap water does have additives such as Floride, but thats to benefit healthy teeth and gums.

2) The women in Cali died from water intoxication. She was in a contest called "hold your wee for a wii" a playstation game & drank gallons very fast. She died from how fast she drank the water. Our body is regulating system of of chemical balances. By drinking gallons in a short period of time, she through off that balance. What happens is the the cells absorb the water in our system. This leaves salt & impurites aka electrolytes, out side the cells. The imbalance of the cells slow down the regulartory systems in the body such as the kidneys and most importantly the brain. Cells can absorb too much water to the point it can burts if pressure is not eleviated (urination) or balance not restored. Her kidneys and brain swelled and since the brain is encased in the skull, the swelling had no where to expand. thus her death days later.
Golong said:
1)I couldn't let this go. Water does not have fat in it...it doesn't make you fat. Yes it has minute trace amount of minerals but not enough to effect you. Tap water does have additives such as Floride, but thats to benefit healthy teeth and gums.

2) The women in Cali died from water intoxication. She was in a contest called "hold your wee for a wii" a playstation game & drank gallons very fast. She died from how fast she drank the water. Our body is regulating system of of chemical balances. By drinking gallons in a short period of time, she through off that balance. What happens is the the cells absorb the water in our system. This leaves salt & impurites aka electrolytes, out side the cells. The imbalance of the cells slow down the regulartory systems in the body such as the kidneys and most importantly the brain. Cells can absorb too much water to the point it can burts if pressure is not eleviated (urination) or balance not restored. Her kidneys and brain swelled and since the brain is encased in the skull, the swelling had no where to expand. thus her death days later.

Thank you I was thinking the same thing but you worded it best.
The only thing I drink is water. Water plays an important role in one's overall health. Besides, I don't like to use up carbs or calories on any type of beverage. Just give me some water, and I'm happy. :)
For those who hate the taste of water or who does not like to drink water, add some fresh lemon to the water and let it sit for a while. You will get a nice lemon twist with your water. Lime is good also.