Dream about snakes-help me understand it


New Member
We were driving down the road. On one side I noticed the most beautiful blackberries and blueberries I have ever laid eyes upon. They were absolutely gorgeous, would have fit perfectly in the Garden of Eden. I told my husband that we had to stop. He was like we need to keep going but I insisted that these berries were way too delicious to pass up and they were FREE, so he stopped. He let me out and proceeded to park in the next availabe driveway. I started to pick the beautiful and perfect berries and at the same time looking out for snakes, because they love berries. My husband started walking towards me on the opposite side of the road and he stopped and was staring at something. There were no berries at all on this side, only grass. I asked him what he was staring at and he said that it was a snake. My eyes followed the direction of his stare and fell upon a large coal black snake, lying vertically in front of a gate. My husband said he was going to kill it. I said no, it'll strike you and you do not even have your gun. He proceeded to walk toward the snake anyway. Out of nowhere and older gentleman appeared and told my husband not to kill the snake. He said it was not worth him losing his life. He had to think about his family he would leave behind. He then said where there is one snake there is usually another one close by, its mate. My husband took the man's advice and turned around. We took a couple of steps toward the direction of our truck. I stepped on something and looked down. It was a black tail. All of a sudden a slightly smaller version of the other snake leaped from under a rock and into the air. I screamed out SNAKe. It twirled in the air, fell to the ground and slithered behind the other snake. Both slithered under the gate and into the open field. I remeber that one side was filled with perfect and large beautiful berries and the other side only had grass and the two snakes. THEN I WOKE UP...
Snakes represent the enemy. I don't know exactly what your dream means, but be in prayer because the devil is lurking. I would venture to say that something is coming your way and you need to follow your husband and listen to what he says. Accept his "no". It will seem too good to pass up, but it is only a trap. Stay in prayer that God will show you and your husband the way to go and give you the wisdom to follow your husbands lead.
Snakes represent the enemy. I don't know exactly what your dream means, but be in prayer because the devil is lurking. I would venture to say that something is coming your way and you need to follow your husband and listen to what he says. Accept his "no". It will seem too good to pass up, but it is only a trap. Stay in prayer that God will show you and your husband the way to go and give you the wisdom to follow your husbands lead.

I wanted to say the SAME thing. A snake mentioned in the bible represents the enemy as in Genesis and a pastor came to my churh and talked about the scripture when Jesus talked about evil fathers. You know where he says, "If sinful fathers know how to give their kids good gifts..."

Then he talks about the sinful father giving their kids a snake when they ask for something else and the pastor said that the snake represented a curse in this passage. But from what I know, snakes are never represented as good things.

You can thank God in this (and everything) because perhaps God is trying to forewarn you about something. Just think if you weren't having the dreams, then something happened and you weren't on guard. Just go in prayer and ask God to reveal to you the meaning by his Holy Spirit. I think your dream could be of significance.