Dr. Tony Evans' Wife Lois Dies After Long Battle ...


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Tony Evans' Wife, Lois, Dies After Cancer Battle


Lois Evans (Instagram/@drtonyevans)
Tony Evans Seeks Prayer After Wife's Cancer Diagnosis

posted on Instagram. "I had the privilege of holding her hand as she was lulled into eternity."

He thanked all who prayed for his wife this year while she faced her battles with cancer.

"God answered our prayers this morning by relieving her of suffering. But the truth is, He has been answering our prayers all along. Lois lived beyond medical expectations, not once, but over and over again. God has been so kind to give us more time to make wonderful memories."

this so saddened me, I really thought she was going to pull thorough...
She is beautiful and I pray for Dr. Evans to be strengthened. May her soul rest in eternal peace with our Lord, Jesus Christ.
This entire family is in prayer...

Priscilla Shirer Asks for Urgent Prayer for Upcoming Lung Surgery


Priscilla Shirer (Facebook/Going Beyond With Priscilla Shirer)

Yesterday afternoon, Bible teacher Priscilla Shirer posted a prayer request on Facebook for an upcoming surgery to remove a lobe of her left lung.

Shirer, whose mother, Lois Evans, passed away Dec. 30, says doctors discovered a nodule on her left lung three years ago.

"This past summer, it was clear that something surgical needed to be done as the nodule had begun to grow and show signs of dangerous irregularities," she writes. "As you know, the past few months has been filled with alot of difficulty for my entire family. For those reasons, the surgery was delayed but I cannot put it off any longer without jeopardizing my own health."

She says a group of women prayed for her upcoming procedure on Tuesday, and since then, several reports about her condition have spread on the internet.

For this reason, she decided to publicly address the reports herself.

"Through it all, we still believe God," she says. "We are trusting Him for a favorable outcome and that I will return to full health personally and full function in ministry."

Read the full post below:
