Dr. Miracle's Bad Hair Day Campaign [vent]


Well-Known Member
I was on another forum when I came across this thread talking about the recent Dr. Miracle ad campaign: http://www.nappturality.com/index.php?showtopic=73611&hl=Dr\.+Miracle.

I have to admit, I have never seriously fantasized about smacking anyone, until I saw these ads. We all know that a lot hair care companies that market black hair products do not really care about the hair of black hair and insult our intelligence with their mispelled products names (i.e. "Doo Gro").

But these Dr. Miracle ads are the worst I've ever seen. The ads blantantly degrade those with natural hair. And a bad hair contest they held in Chicago offered a box of their new no-lye relaxer to the first 1,000 contestants :mad: . The white, male company president cheesed and held up a comb next to the winner :eek: (who was rocking a nice blow-out).

Please do not buy products from this company, if only on principle.

The ads run in Essence magazine (so I heard).

Man, seeing this just hurts my heart :ohwell: . Does this upset you as much as it does me?

Here are some links to the ads (I hope they work):

This is the first time I've ever started a thread. I apologize for any ettiquette blunders.
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We discussed that product advertising here recently, but I hadn't seen the article in Soph. Black Hair.

Did you see the picture numbered #7? I know a picture out of context of the what was actually happening can be misleading, but :eek: !!! It really got me heated.
SEMO said:
I was on another forum when I came across this thread talking about the recent Dr. Miracle ad campaign: http://www.nappturality.com/index.php?showtopic=73611&hl=Dr\.+Miracle.

I have to admit, I have never seriously fantasized about smacking anyone, until I saw these ads. We all know that a lot hair care companies that market black hair products do not really care about the hair of black hair and insult our intelligence with their mispelled products names (i.e. "Doo Gro").

But these Dr. Miracle ads are the worst I've ever seen. The ads blantantly degrade those with natural hair. And a bad hair contest they held in Chicago offered a box of their new no-lye relaxer to the first 1,000 contestants :mad: . The white, male company president cheesed and held up a comb next to the winner :eek: (who was rocking a nice blow-out).

Please do not buy products from this company if only on priciple.

The ads run in Essence magazine (so I heard).

Man, seeing this just hurts my heart :ohwell: . Does this upset you as much as it does me?

Here are some links to the ads (I hope they work):

This is the first time I've ever started a thread. I apologize for any ettiquette blunders.

Ettiquette blunders? Girl please...

Yes, I was also very angry when I say these ads. I feel like they not only insult our intelligence, but that they also perpetuate anti black norms. Thanks for the post. I will not be buying Essence until they stop with these ads.
OnceUponAtime said:
We discussed that product advertising here recently, but I hadn't seen the article in Soph. Black Hair.

Did you see the picture numbered #7? I know a picture out of context of the what was actually happening can be misleading, but :eek: !!! It really got me heated.

I didn't know that this had already been discussed :Blush2:. I didn't see it when I used the search button. I was just so MAD, that I just had to see what the ladies on LHCF thought of it.
Did you all see the television commercial they have? Way worse than the magazine ads. If you ask me I think we black women need to stand up for our hair and ourselves and stop supporting companies like Dr. Miracle. I also have a problem with the way we are stereotyped based on hair. Its bad enough we have negative stereotypes already and now its about our hair. I'm also sick of the Asian BBS. But thats a whole other issue.
cluelessaka said:
Did you all see the television commercial they have? Way worse than the magazine ads. If you ask me I think we black women need to stand up for our hair and ourselves and stop supporting companies like Dr. Miracle. I also have a problem with the way we are stereotyped based on hair. Its bad enough we have negative stereotypes already and now its about our hair. I'm also sick of the Asian BBS. But thats a whole other issue.

I saw them and it made me fume. I mean what women would be so to desperate to even play in those ads?
cluelessaka said:
Did you all see the television commercial they have? Way worse than the magazine ads. If you ask me I think we black women need to stand up for our hair and ourselves and stop supporting companies like Dr. Miracle. I also have a problem with the way we are stereotyped based on hair. Its bad enough we have negative stereotypes already and now its about our hair. I'm also sick of the Asian BBS. But thats a whole other issue.

Lawd have mercy, they have a televison ad too? That must be messed up. :nono:

The ads send chills up my spine when I see them. Just plain wrong on so many levels. :down:
SEMO said:
I didn't know that this had already been discussed :Blush2:. I didn't see it when I used the search button. I was just so MAD, that I just had to see what the ladies on LHCF thought of it.

I can see why! I went back and read the article again. What a mess.

No harm in posting again. You never know who's not seen it before.
Why am I extra pissed that the president of the company is white? I know any race that had a campaign like this should be ashamed, but it seems like this guy was really enjoying the women in the contest making fools of themselves.