Doo Gro relaxer

Ok ladies the search function is apparently on thanksgiving vacay right now because I have been trying to find this thang since this morning. Has anyone ever heard of or used the Doo Gro relaxer. This is the ad from the site:

DOO GRO®Smooth and Straight No-Lye Relaxer

Enriched with Aloe Vera and Shea Butter to provide you the most amazing relaxed hair you'll ever experience! This exclusive ANTI BREAKAGE NO LYE SYSTEM has been developed to condition your hair during every phases of the relaxer process while it stops damage and promotes strong, healthy, growing hair!

I picked this up this morning after being too lazy to go to Sally's and get the ever raved Silk Elements. I saw the shea butter and aloe vera listed and wondered if this was a good one to try. I usually use the Profectiv relaxers. The kit does come with a reconstructor and a leave in strengthener with ingredients like castor oil, aloe, jojoba oil, silk amino acids and a few other ingredients that look to be good for ya hair. Even the neutralizing poo has ingredients like rosemary, garlic, aloe, shea butter, and a bunch of herbal extracts.

So if anyone has used this or knows someone who has please let a sista in on it. If not I guess I will let y'all in on it about Friday or so.

29 views and no responses :nono: not good. Guess that means no one has tried this before. :ohwell: guess i'll be the guinea pig for this one.
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Enriched with Aloe Vera and Shea Butter to provide you the most amazing relaxed hair you'll ever experience!

^^^This statement and the ingredients have me like :lick:

I lub my Silk Elements relaxer, but I may have to stray, just this once :lol: Where'd you get it, a bss?

Don't forget to update, cause uh, I WILL hunt you down! :lol:.......... For real :look:
Lol please don't hurt me. I will def update as soon as I do it. Believe it or not I copped it from my local shoppers food warehouse. That mess cost me a whole $10.99 (that's a shame that that's expensive to me :lachen:) The shea butter pulled me right on in. I still want to try that Silk Elements though but I just haven't made that Sally's trip yet

Oh yeah tiffers thanx for the reply now I don't feel like a weirdo anymore :grin:
Sounds Good!:lick:
Be sure to give us up dates on yar hair when you do the relaxer service.
I saw Doo-gro laxer a couple of times but never thought to use it.
i use doo gro products but i've never tried the relaxer. let us know how it works out, i'm definitely curious after hearing those ingredients.
I just did a Google search and Walgreens carries it for $8.99. Here are two reviews for it:

The Best Perm Ever
By EboniHair from Greensboro, NC on 11/13/2007
Healthier Hair, No Breakage or sheading, Easy To Use, Makes hair grow

Describe Yourself:
Quality Oriented

Bottom Line:
Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

This is the best relaxer I've ever used. Last year I shaved all my hair off when I found out my aunt had breast cancer and would have to undergo chemotherapy. In Febuary of this year, I started growing my hair out using this relaxer every eight weeks. It is now November and my hair has grown 12 inches in only 10 months. I havent had any split ends at all and no breakage. I've also used Doo Gro grease, oil, sheen spray and moisterizing lotion. I think this has added to the success of my beautiful hair.
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The Best relaxer I've ever used!!!

By MissLady from Dallas, TX on 9/13/2007
Healthier Hair, Controls Frizz, Lightweight, Easy To Use

Best Uses:
Thick Hair

Describe Yourself:
Value Oriented, Quality Oriented

Bottom Line:
Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

This relaxer was WONDERFUL!! Before using this, I would always have lots of breakage, shedding and weak limp hair but this relaxer really made my hair silky smooth and straight and I barely had any shedding, it also came with a rinse out reconstructor which was wonderful I love this product! I will definitley be telling my friends and everybody about it!
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Hey ladies see there were a few replies while I was gone

Indigo-Do you like what the products do for your hair? Which ones may I ask?

Coffee: I saw those reviews and they were the only ones I could find. They were good but almost so good (especially the makes your hair grow one) that I thought they were faked so I was a lil nervous.

However, always the one to try something new (never been afarid to try new relaxers) I went on and jumped head first. Could not wait to try it so I did it yesterday morning after I got home from work. Yeah, everyone else was sleep and I'm up at 7 in the morning relaxing hair :grin:.

Anyhoo, I think I am in love with this relaxer. Gurls when I tell you this thang made my hair so soft and silky (shiny whateva) I ain't lieing. The first thing that got me was the actual relaxer's texture. It was nothing like any relaxer I have ever had and I have had quite a few brands. I mean lye or no lye nothing I have had was like this. I thought I had mixed it wrong or something because it was so thin. The texture was almost that of milk or a conditioner. It was to the point where some actually dripped off my fingers. It wasn't your normal thickness to a relaxer. Of course my first thought was this stuff is not gonna staighten my hair. But I proceeded to put it on and starighten it out. I think I may have even been a lil slow about it but it never burned me not once. No tingle no nada. Also no permy smell to me. It wasn't a good smell like with the Profectiv relaxer (if anyone uses that) but it wasn't strong like a usual relaxer either.

I decided not to do any of the fancy relaxer routines I learned on here that I have been using and just use what came in the box. So I proceed to use the neutralizing poo included. The poo was thick and lathered nicely. I think I overdid the neautralizing though because toward my third lather my hair started to feel tangled and hard. However, like I said I think I neautralized too much so I don't blame the poo. My first neautralization yielded white suds because I let the water run through my hair a whole good 5-7 mins before ever applying the poo. And just let me say before even applying the neutralizer the hair was feeling soft and silky. But I lathered twice more to be sure. So possibly the outcome was my fault. However, it was all good because once I applied the included reconstructor left it for 5 mins and washed out my hair was silky smooth and conditioner soft all over again. It felt as if I had done my Humectress overnight prepoo and washed it out. That was the first time I looked into the mirror after the washing and my hair looked so healthy and straight I was shocked. I then put in the leave in they provided and it added sheen right to the mix. I wanted to take a pic then but could not get to the computer and have had bad experiences taking my phone into a steamy bathroom. So I just put in my Sunsilk TLC (a dab), and sealed with my castor oil/Africa's Best herbal oil mix and tied that sucka up.

When I woke up later and took off the scarf I was so pleasantly surprised. The hair was still shiny and laying just right. It wasn't limp as I am accustomed to. I did'nt have that usaul relaxer feeling of hair plastered to my head with no life to it. Now that could be due to the relaxer being so thin, the shea butter in it or because I had been using my coconut oil grease the day before applying. Either way I will do the same process again because so far I love the results. This is the next day and I have no shedding, no loss of sheen (have applied nothing else since yesterday)and I am :lick: so happy. I'm gonna flat iron it tommorrow probably just to see if it does really have some umph left in it. I will try my best to post pics.

In the mean time here are a few I took just to show the results of the relaxer as far as sheen and smoothness. Now keep in mind I have short hair so who knows what it looks like on someone with beautiful long truly healthy hair. Just wanted to give y'all at least a glimpse of what could be. All in all I think I like this relaxer. I think it is going to be my new brand.

Ok my links stopped working so I will try to get something in here again
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I stopped by several Walgreens today, but none of them had it, so I ended up ordering online. MzSouthVa where did you find yours? I'm glad to hear about your good results.
Not really curly but has a lil wave to it Maybe when my hair grows more it will be easier and better

Ok they're here for now but smaller not sure why they keep disappearing
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:yay: I've been waiting for your update! (do I need to get a life? :look: ) don't relax until Feb, but now I can't wait! I hope my Walgreens carries it, cause I don't wanna have to order it online. It's cool that it comes with a reconstructor! Congrats on your success! I'm so excited to try this now! :grin: