Don't know how much longer i can take this! *RANT*


Well-Known Member
My older sister got her hair done and INSTEAD of her getting the tracks sewn in or at least making a wig if she was going to use glue, she gets the tracks GLUED TO HER HAIR! :wallbash: I COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND THAT'S HER HAIR AND NOT MINE BUT GOTDAMN LETS GET SOME COMMON SENSE!

I don't even HAVE to be on LHCF to know that's not a wise decision! Its FLIPPIN GLUE! WOULD YOU PUT ELMER'S GLUE IN YOUR HAIR!?!?!?!?!

I said "Sista, you know glue pulls your hair out right?" "No not my hair, i been using glue all this time and my hair ain't came out yet! I use that glue removing shampoo and it never come out"

But you been wearing those same tracks for about 6 months now and the only growth i see has been about 2 inches :ohwell:

BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE! I asked her why not just stretch her perm out some more if she's getting tracks instead of relaxing it . She tells me "oh no, my hair is just to unmanageable right now, i need to get a perm"

I cringe at that word :perplexed cuz unmanageablity has nothing to do with a perm. But then you get a perm and put glue over NEWLY RELAXED HAIR THAT WASN'T HEALTHY IN ITS NATURAL STATE TO BEGIIN WITH!
So when you take out the tracks, yep u guessed it, YOUR HAIR WON'T BE THERE!

I try and i try and i TRY to stay outta people hair but its hard when i see so much shyt thas just wrong!

Nonetheless, i got over it, i moved on and accepted the fact that everybody isn't going to listen and all i can do is use my own hair to atest to the fact that i know what the hell im talking about when i say don't use glue to put tracks in your ACTUAL hair....

im done....
Feel better now, lol.

Sometimes you have to let people fall, so that they can live and learn. I know it's hard because you love her; but, she'll have to find out the hard way.
My older sister got her hair done and INSTEAD of her getting the tracks sewn in or at least making a wig if she was going to use glue, she gets the tracks GLUED TO HER HAIR! :wallbash: I COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND THAT'S HER HAIR AND NOT MINE BUT GOTDAMN LETS GET SOME COMMON SENSE!

I don't even HAVE to be on LHCF to know that's not a wise decision! Its FLIPPIN GLUE! WOULD YOU PUT ELMER'S GLUE IN YOUR HAIR!?!?!?!?!

I said "Sista, you know glue pulls your hair out right?" "No not my hair, i been using glue all this time and my hair ain't came out yet! I use that glue removing shampoo and it never come out"

But you been wearing those same tracks for about 6 months now and the only growth i see has been about 2 inches :ohwell:

BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE! I asked her why not just stretch her perm out some more if she's getting tracks instead of relaxing it . She tells me "oh no, my hair is just to unmanageable right now, i need to get a perm"

I cringe at that word :perplexed cuz unmanageablity has nothing to do with a perm. But then you get a perm and put glue over NEWLY RELAXED HAIR THAT WASN'T HEALTHY IN ITS NATURAL STATE TO BEGIIN WITH!
So when you take out the tracks, yep u guessed it, YOUR HAIR WON'T BE THERE!

I try and i try and i TRY to stay outta people hair but its hard when i see so much shyt thas just wrong!

Nonetheless, i got over it, i moved on and accepted the fact that everybody isn't going to listen and all i can do is use my own hair to atest to the fact that i know what the hell im talking about when i say don't use glue to put tracks in your ACTUAL hair....

im done....

first off: Dammmm!


you worry wayyyy too much about your family's hair. Let them do what they want to do with their hair.
Girl you just may be right but i can't help it. I hate seeing it knowing that i could do something about it if they just tried what i was talking about. All i want them to do is try without all the negativity and assumptions.

Its just me ya know? I care....
LOL. :rofl:

I definitely went through the same thing with my sisters...they'd do something to their heads or let a stylist do something to their heads, and I'd be running after them clucking like a mother hen. "You should use some DC...if you use a widetooth comb, you won't need to rip through like don't need a should wear a scarf at shouldn't pull your hair back so you need some heat protectant...blah blah blah. But after a while, you just get numb to the horrors that people inflict in on their own heads, and you won't want to talk anymore.

One day, she'll be ripping them tracks out her head with her hair still attached, and you won't bat an eye.
Man I wish my sistas had that kind of knowledge about hair. The women on LHCF have helped me more than anyone and my sister's are professional hairstylists smh. Your sis is lucky to have you looking out for her and her hair :)
LOL. :rofl:

I definitely went through the same thing with my sisters...they'd do something to their heads or let a stylist do something to their heads, and I'd be running after them clucking like a mother hen. "You should use some DC...if you use a widetooth comb, you won't need to rip through like don't need a should wear a scarf at shouldn't pull your hair back so you need some heat protectant...blah blah blah. But after a while, you just get numb to the horrors that people inflict in on their own heads, and you won't want to talk anymore.

One day, she'll be ripping them tracks out her head with her hair still attached, and you won't bat an eye.
Lmao! @ the fact that sounds JUST like me n my sisters down to T!
Man I wish my sistas had that kind of knowledge about hair. The women on LHCF have helped me more than anyone and my sister's are professional hairstylists smh. Your sis is lucky to have you looking out for her and her hair :)
Thanks but she don't listen to me so it kinds of voids it out
Show her this...sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words

My older sister got her hair done and INSTEAD of her getting the tracks sewn in or at least making a wig if she was going to use glue, she gets the tracks GLUED TO HER HAIR! :wallbash: I COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND THAT'S HER HAIR AND NOT MINE BUT GOTDAMN LETS GET SOME COMMON SENSE!

I don't even HAVE to be on LHCF to know that's not a wise decision! Its FLIPPIN GLUE! WOULD YOU PUT ELMER'S GLUE IN YOUR HAIR!?!?!?!?!

I said "Sista, you know glue pulls your hair out right?" "No not my hair, i been using glue all this time and my hair ain't came out yet! I use that glue removing shampoo and it never come out"

But you been wearing those same tracks for about 6 months now and the only growth i see has been about 2 inches :ohwell:

BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE! I asked her why not just stretch her perm out some more if she's getting tracks instead of relaxing it . She tells me "oh no, my hair is just to unmanageable right now, i need to get a perm"

I cringe at that word :perplexed cuz unmanageablity has nothing to do with a perm. But then you get a perm and put glue over NEWLY RELAXED HAIR THAT WASN'T HEALTHY IN ITS NATURAL STATE TO BEGIIN WITH!
So when you take out the tracks, yep u guessed it, YOUR HAIR WON'T BE THERE!

I try and i try and i TRY to stay outta people hair but its hard when i see so much shyt thas just wrong!

Nonetheless, i got over it, i moved on and accepted the fact that everybody isn't going to listen and all i can do is use my own hair to atest to the fact that i know what the hell im talking about when i say don't use glue to put tracks in your ACTUAL hair....

im done....

/\/\ MsLizziA, I feel your pain and frustration. My family wont listen either, and I have one that's particularly close to me that likes to her overprocessed hair to match the vibrant yellow color she adores. I've stopped passing out unsolicited advice, and abso-f'n-lutely refuse to debate them on the "solicieted" advice I share.

\/\/ Dachsies. After seeing that pic and a few others that's floating around here, I think we all can now understand why she's got such a "volatile" temper. Afterall "I" couldn't imagine making all that $-Bank-$, being in the media constantly, having to "uphold that image"; all the while the "naked truth" is that she's going freak'n bald to maintain it all.

Show her this...sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words

You're a sweetheart, and you love your family.:yep:

But they are gonna drive you crazy if you don't close your eyes to their hair care practices.:lachen:

You wanna help them, but they are not trying to hear you, and it's frustrating you too much.

Teach them by EXAMPLE! As they see your hair getting healthier and healthier, and growing longer and longer, they will start ASKING for your advice/help.:yep:

Girl you just may be right but i can't help it. I hate seeing it knowing that i could do something about it if they just tried what i was talking about. All i want them to do is try without all the negativity and assumptions.

Its just me ya know? I care....
MsLizzia I am sorry to hear this. I hope her hair comes out alright after all this. Who in the heck invented gluing hair to ones hair. The inventor should be made to do it onto his or her hair and then be made to wear their hair without the wig for a long period of time.

So unhealthy.
woooosah. i know its frustrating. you can only do so much. one day she'll realize when shes has ear length hair.