Dominican Salons --Good or bad?


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies!!

So before my big chop, and before the 3 inches of absolutely frayed split ends, I had SL hair finally for the first time! I was getting relaxers every 3 months and I was pretty happy with my hair finally.

At the time, I went to Dominican Salons about twice a month and paid $35 each time! Pretty awesome! However, I started to notice my hair getting thinner and thinner looking. It would feel dryer and dryer with every passing month. Random short hairs would fall from my head. I didn't pay it any mind cuz my hair was LAYED. Now I think I did tons of stuff wrong, like not deep conditioning enough, too much heat and manipulation etc.

I wanted to know what others thought about Dominican Salons and their experiences with it.

Personally, I love the affordability and efficiency of it, and how straight it made my hair (relaxed) at the time. Now that I'm natural and hope to be SL this year (October God willing~!) I want to know the best way to straighten my hair by then.
Depends on how you look at it... :look:

If I need my hair done on the fly or I have somewhere to go, they are great and I use this for this purpose. If I am looking for a salon to maintain the health of my hair, not so much there fore I do not go that often.
Depends on how you look at it... :look:

If I need my hair done on the fly or I have somewhere to go, they are great and I use this for this purpose. If I am looking for a salon to maintain the health of my hair, not so much there fore I do not go that often.

It's weird, I feel like for a while my hair was growing, but it would feel thinner and thinner with every month. Not to mention that I had so many breakaways. I am not sure.

I feel like I should have kept to one dominican salon and that's it. They got to know my hair and stopped using as much heat. Now that I'm natural again, once my hair grows out, I may go back.

But only if LHCF isn't against it.
I have gone to Dominican salons on and off for the past 3 years but i think it all depends on the stylist.

When i first started going i loved this one stylist, she was very gentle an careful when detangling and styling my hair. Then she left and one of the other ladies was doing my hair and she was ok but she used to rake through my hair root to tip when it was wet in the sink, and i could hear my hair popping and breaking. Then she left and 2 more newbies came in, the last one that did my hair caused me not to go back. She would scrub and scratch my scalp while washing and rake through my hair wet then take a towel and literally twist and wring my hair out in the towel real hard and tight, then while wet setting just comb through rough and hard. I was done and haven't been back in a while. I invested in a Pibbs dryer, steamer and that twin turbo hair dryer dominicans use, and I think i have just about perfected doing my hair myself. Another perk is saving $30 a week too.
I have a coworker who visits every two weeks and her hair is beautiful. I asked her if her hair still curls up when she washes it and she said "yeah" but for some reason I felt she wasn't entirely sure.

My problem would be having heat damage.
I think it all depends on you and knowing your hair. Some say Dominican salons apply too much heat, while true, so does your average AA salon. I compared the two about a year ago.

Dominican salons~~wash, roller set, sit under hot dryer, blowout with hot hand held dryer and round brush and then flat iron.

AA salons~~wash, sit under hot dryer for a deep condition, wash out, then back under hot dryer to get hair dry. Blow dry hair with hand held dryer with comb attached or with no comb attached but using a paddle brush to make sure hair is straight then flat iron.

There's really not that much difference. Having said that, I've seen women with gorgeous hair who frequent Dominican salons and I've seen women with jacked up hair who frequent Dominican salons but I've seen women with gorgeous hair who frequent AA salons and women with jacked up hair who frequent AA salons.

My observation tells me, it's what the person is doing. Now you could argue genetics play a role and while this is true, that's a whole nother argument that I won't get into. I really do think it boils down to you as a person and knowing what your hair needs vs what you want. It doesn't take much heat to damage my hair so therefore when I went to Dominican salons, I always told them to do roots only and when I did have them blowout the full length, I specified no flat iron. When I went to AA salons I specified one pass with the flat iron cause so many stylists love passing that flat iron on one section a thousand no no!

I say, pay attention to what your hair needs vs what you want for your hair. Once you have this part down, you can save a lot of hairs and save yourself a few headaches.