Doing the BIG CHOP is STUPID!!!!!


Well-Known Member
***Quotes (not from me) but from the video listed below****

"To me I think people like doing the Big Chop because they don't wanna have to deal with the UGLINESS of their hair gonna be looking because their hair gonna look UGLY and NAPPY right here *points to new growth* and straight and silky looking or whatever they wanna call it at the ends *points to ends*" :look::ohwell:

"Don't chop yo' sh!t off and looking stupid! You look stupid! A lot off people looking really stupid when they chop their hair off."

"And its a lot of people that are natural and don't even look right with Natural Hair you look like a fool with some Nappy sh!t on yo' head! Like seriouly you do!" :spinning::spinning::nono:

She said she is natural by the way. I dunno, yes its her opinion but her choice in words are very ignorant!

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I couldn't watch the whole video but its truly pointless anyway. I think she is really just concerned w/ length. Why is she concerned w/ any1 doing anything w/ their own head and to make a 12 min video about doesn't make any sense. Jacenta has always been natural so she can't say that the bc is stupid. Handling two different textures can be hard and not everyone could do a long transition so they decide to bc....who freakin' cares? I don't b/c its their decision and their hair.
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I'm not even going to click the link and make her 5 pennies richer. I'm sure she is the one looking stupid and foolish. She sure sounds stupid and foolish based off the OP.
She looks young...I'll give her a youngin pass....

ETA: well damn, she said she is about to be 21...*revokes pass*
huh? gobbletygook!

21 is still young ya'll! :)

ETA: I clicked the dayum video!

I know 21 is still young :lol:. I'm 25 and I bc'd at 20. I'm just saying I was going to give her a pass for being a teenager or something where thoughts like that would be more excusable. But 20....erh....sorry :nono:
OP, you made her seem really ignorant by the way you typed the intro. She made a lot of sense, and she spoke well.

She just advocates the long transition, and not the big chop. I don't see anything wrong with that. I lot of people on here says the same thing, but in a slightly different way.

I don't think she said ANYTHING bad/wrong.
This girl is annoying. I did two BCs and had great results both times. Maybe she's just annoyed that other people have the nerve to do what she won't.
She's just talking about how people watch the videos of folks big chopping. Then they get all "gung-ho" about it and want to do it too. But after they do they are disappointed. Which is true of a lot of folks on HERE.

She was just telling people that they should take their time and transition, because they might not like the way they look with short hair. She said that everybody doesn't look good with short hair and she knows she will look like a boy.

Alot of folks feel this way. A lot of people don't think they'll look good with short hair.

Why are y'all acting so "high and mighty" around here? The girl is just saying what we hear around here anyway.
OP, you made her seem really ignorant by the way you typed the intro. She made a lot of sense, and she spoke well.

Ummm how did I make her sound really ignorant? lol You acting like I put words in her mouth!? Those words came out of her mouth! :perplexed

Yes she can have an opinion (on BC'ing vs Long Transition) no one saying she can't! All I SAID WAS *and please go back check my OP* her WORD CHOICE WAS IGNORANT and it was...

Calling "natural hair ugly" (and she natural herself), and people hair "looking nappy and sh!t" and if you cut your hair "your stupid". I mean I don't know where you from but that's ignorant as hell in book! :ohwell: You ain't got to be high and mighty to see that.
Oh okay, I'm glad you got that out of that video :look:. From what I got out of the video, she seems to project her own insecurities onto everyone else. She says that "doing the bc is stupid," she "doesn't get it," she doesn't "agree with the bc" she sounds like she has issues with short hair. That is her issue, not mine. I have cut all my hair off several times over the past 5 years and it has grown back every single time.

It's hair, it will grow back. It's not that serious...
I might be wrong on this one. I think it's just the way you type. :lol:

Ummm how did I make her sound really ignorant? lol You acting like I put words in her mouth!? Those words came out of her mouth! :perplexed

Yes she can have an opinion (on BC'ing vs Long Transition) no one saying she can't! All I SAID WAS *and please go back check my OP* her WORD CHOICE WAS IGNORANT and it was...

Calling "natural hair ugly" (and she natural herself), and people hair "looking nappy and sh!t" and if you cut your hair "your stupid". I mean I don't know where you from but that's ignorant as hell in book! :ohwell: You ain't got to be high and mighty to see that.
OP, you made her seem really ignorant by the way you typed the intro. She made a lot of sense, and she spoke well.

She just advocates the long transition, and not the big chop. I don't see anything wrong with that. I lot of people on here says the same thing, but in a slightly different way.

I don't think she said ANYTHING bad/wrong.

I have to disagree.
I was able to make it through 2 minutes of the video before I had to close it.
She was not well spoken. She continuously rambled on. She kept going around in a circle. She was driving me crazy.

I could not last long enough to listen to her opinion because her presentation was so aggravating.
Maybe if I could have lasted longer, it may have gotten better...but I doubt it.
oh wow, i thought that it was you who didnt like bc's. didnt see this video posted.

i thought you was gonnna get burned up here for saying THAT!
She spoke well enough. You just didn't like the message.

I have to disagree.
I was able to make it through 2 minutes of the video before I had to close it.
She was not well spoken. She continuously rambled on. She kept going around in a circle. She was driving me crazy.

I could not last long enough to listen to her opinion because her presentation was so aggravating.
Maybe if I could have lasted longer, it may have gotten better...but I doubt it.
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Um, wth is she talking about?

I'm *hoping* what she is saying is that extremely short hair doesn't look good on everyone and if that's the case, you should consider a long term transition. I can *sort of* see her point. I looked awful both times I chopped but that hair grew right back. If I hadn't chopped, I would have relaxed my hair again because I didn't have the patience to deal with two textures. My looks took a hit for about 6-9 months but the trade off was well worth it:yep:
oh wow, i thought that it was you who didnt like bc's. didnt see this video posted.

i thought you was gonnna get burned up here for saying THAT!

I'm confused. Are you talking about the OP or the forum in general? There are BC threads here everyday.:perplexed
She spoke well enough. You just didn't like the message.

I didn't even get to hear the message!

I have no strong opinion about BC. I did not do a BC so it is not as if I would be offended off the bat about the topic.
Actually, the opinion I do have about some BC I would not care to share.
In general, I love a good heated discussion but :nono:.

She was aggravating!
It was blah blah blah sister blah blah blah sister blah blah.