Doin' the chop!


New Member
Well...actually the mini one. I have been transitioning for just about 10 months now...yeah me...I NEVA thought I could make it this long as I'd given up in the past. Well, I did have a sew-in to help me manage the summer time, but I kept the legnth of the hair similar to my own length so that it looked natural.

Well, when I recently had it removed...I found :mad: i had lost alot of relaxed/texlaxed ends and my hair although about 26 inches long hairline to ends was extremely t-h-i-n. Now, I've seen those pics of folks with 25 hairs hanging on to them ends, and it ain't for me. So, despite having hair longer than ever (bye bye 26 inches--I neva really knew you) I started cutting. And I'm not done, I am going to a stylist to do a blunt just below shoulder length mini chop hoping that I can get it pressed and curled to look like a tanned,raven haired Christina Aguiliera (I'm loving that 40's style do).

But the good news is----I LOVE my natural texture/s:) . I've got kinkier hair at the temples and looser corkscrews in the back that I NEVER knew I had--take that Mom (just kidding I love you Mommy). But I love it all, it's soft and has a sheen and is the bomb when wet. So I might just cut it all off and go straight to afro-it won't be a TWA as it is 3/4 of the way to shoulder when strethced. But I'm thinking I want to keep it shoulder length for a while so as not to shock my hubby (and white friends who will bombard me with ?s I'n not yet ready for).

I will post some pics after my chop--it will be within the week.

Thank you to my LHCF ladies for showing me that it's all about the options. I have my braided ladies(Kathymay), my sew in queens( like my homegirl bmoreflyygirl), my relaxed friends(sooo many of y'all in the DC Metro area), and my natural sisters( especially my inspirations Countrygirl and kristina)who welcome any style without judgments. Love you ALL!!!.:D :D
Good for you, melodee! BTW, that cut you're getting sounds adorable. I'm going in for a trim on Friday and I just might have to jump on your bandwagon. Hmm.......

Can't wait to see your pics. I guess us transitioners have lost another member to the BC!
Wow, I can't wait to see pics! Congrats on your chop..your hair is soo gorgeous, I know it is going to be the bomb!