Does your hair make an 'S' pattern naturally without using products?

Does your hair make a 'S' pattern naturally without using products?

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3rd Big Chop on 7/18/2016
I noticed when I first big chopped, I had only 3 to 4 inches of hair (unstretched only about 1 to 2 inches). It produced an 'S' shape naturally without product, but due to heavy shrinkage when it dried, it was more of a 'O' shape. Now that my hair is SL/APL fully stretched, and about 5 inches fully shrunken, I have a tight 'S' shape when fully dry without product and a looser 'S' when wet/damp. I have less 'O' shape stands when my hair is fully dried without any product. I think this is due to as my gets longer the natural weight and length is pulling or "stretching" my hair down causing a natural 'S' pattern. When I do wash and gos it's even more noticeable. I think if I was "heat trained/heat damage" my shrinkage would be much less and cause more of my strands to "hang" and be looser which I have no current desire to do.

Does anyone who started off with less than 4 inches of hair, now notice this as their natural hair journey continues?
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Dude I just clicked on your youtube channel.. what's with the Doctor's Mask? You had me scared for a minute there. I was like this isn't a hair tutorial, someone is getting ready for surgery :lachen:

To answer the question - Yeah it does but ... I don't really think about it.
Dude I just clicked on your youtube channel.. what's with the Doctor's Mask? You had me scared for a minute there. I was like this isn't a hair tutorial, someone is getting ready for surgery :lachen:

To answer the question - Yeah it does but ... I don't really think about it.

Hmm, wow yes actually! Well, my hair is roughly 4 inches all around, the back is to my nape. I have this one section of my hair on the right side of my head, near my crown which most always looks like "o's" when dried, and this is also the area with the most shrinkage and is most resistance to straightening of any kind lol. When my hair is wet in general or has product though, almost all of my hair looks like S, and in the back my curls are bigger so it looks like WIDE s's if that makes sense. I also have waves. I swear my hair is too mixed up to categorize lol, but I can definitely relate to what you're saying!

ETA: even though that section of my hair will look like o's dried, if I stretch them they look like perfect spirals! :)
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My hair was longer than 4 inches when I BC'ed but it does this. Fully shrunken they form O's like so

but when stretched the O's turn into S's
Makes sense if you think of a slinky being stretched out.
When I was natural I had both which left my hair oddly misshapen lol. The o's were not very friendly so they shrunk back after being combed out. The s's were a lot more helpful. But they aren't uniformly spread out so I had a TWA with crazy dents lol.

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Without stretching and without product my hair has loose (large) Ss, tighter Ss, Os, straight lines and large and small spirals.
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i'm still here wondering about the mask, OP...i mean, just curious, is it to like hide your identity or something? you don't have to answer if you're not comfortable, of course.
S curls and waves all day for me. When it was much shorter it was s-wavy and corkscrewy. Now it's an elongated S.
Some parts of my hair do but if I want it to stay that way all day well then yeah I need to incorporate some conditioner and gel.
The top front to middle parts of my hair is more wavy and s shaped. The sides and the back are o shaped. It hasn't really changed since my hair has grown. I chopped to less than half an inch and now it's a little over six inches in a little over a year when stretched. It might change this time next year. I would think that more length would equal more weight and stretch the curls out a bit. I could be wrong.
I voted yes but only the 4a parts of my hair make an S pattern naturally without using product. The 4b parts of my hair are more like tiny waves.
My hair did this.

Right after my big chop:

A couple years later:


The second pic is old, and I've had a cut since then. But it shows the affect of my hair being weighed down additional length (btw, my hair is wet in both pics).
Nope. Lovely Os. But my hair isn't long, so who knows what the weight would do to them. I like my Os though. We get along. :lol:
Nope. Lovely Os. But my hair isn't long, so who knows what the weight would do to them. I like my Os though. We get along. :lol:

OT: What kind of dog is that in your siggy? TIA

My hair does spirals all over different sizes some looser bigger some tighter smaller.