Does your hair look incredibly thin and lifeless after a relaxer touch-up


Genius never dies!
I nearly cried when I saw my hair.

5-months post relaxer and finally relaxed for Easter Sunday. My hair has gotten longer (near BSL), but I'd rather have thicker, fuller hair than long hair.

I wonder if this is because I relaxed or if I'm forever doomed to have see-through, fine hair no matter how long I stretch. :(

Does anyone experience this after a relaxer, or is it just me?
I nearly cried when I saw my hair.

5-months post relaxer and finally relaxed for Easter Sunday. My hair has gotten longer (near BSL), but I'd rather have thicker, fuller hair than long hair.

I wonder if this is because I relaxed or if I'm forever doomed to have see-through, fine hair no matter how long I stretch. :(

Does anyone experience this after a relaxer, or is it just me?

There, there SP :hug2:
Yes, fresh relaxers always make my hair this way, that's why I always re-condition my hair the next day or several days later. It's the nature of being fine/thin headed. :look:

By next week this time you should be looking good! Also, I give myself a henna and indigo a week or 2 after a relaxer; this helps a lot!
I wish mine was... My hair has always been too thick anyways:perplexed The pictures in my siggy were taken the day of my last relaxer...:ohwell:
I totally understand what you are saying, and I hated it. My hair used to look that way but doesn't anymore; two things changed that:

1) applying a protein reconstructor for 5 minutes, after rinsing relaxer but before neutralizing
2) texlaxing instead of relaxing straight

ETA: Oh, I just avatar pic is just after a texlax touchup.
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^^^ I will trade with you ANYDAY!! :kiss: You DO NOT want fine or thin hair. Remember, as we age, our hair thins out, so those of us who struggle with fine and/or thin hair, we have to do extra to keep it healthy and from breaking. Yes, I'm thrilled that my hair has grown considerably, but if I can have thicker strands, I'd be a happy gal. :)
There, there SP :hug2:
Yes, fresh relaxers always make my hair this way, that's why I always re-condition my hair the next day or several days later. It's the nature of being fine/thin headed. :look:

By next week this time you should be looking good! Also, I give myself a henna and indigo a week or 2 after a relaxer; this helps a lot!

Yeah, you know what I'm talking about. :kiss:

I will probably do a medium protein this coming weekend. The following weekend, I will continue with the Henna and do an Indigo. (I have to order more Indigo, though.) I love Henna and use it once a month or so. I will continue to do so. I do hate fresh relaxers. :nono:
I totally understand what you are saying, and I hated it. My hair used to look that way but doesn't anymore; two things changed that:

1) applying a protein reconstructor for 5 minutes, after rinsing relaxer but before neutralizing
2) texlaxing instead of relaxing straight

Thanks for this. I thought about texlaxing, but the problem is that my hair is so fine. How can I ensure that my hair won't break off due to underprocessing? I do proteins for strength and have relatively little breakage or shedding. (In fact, I was thrilled that I didn't lose much hair at all...maybe a little less than a dime's worth.) But I also would like to continue stretching my relaxers (because of my fine hair) for 4 months at a time. I think 5 and 6 months may be too long for me.
Hey SP - I totally feel you on this and what I would do (when the salon would do this to me) is re-wash my hair use a protein condish (as I know it will cause some reversion) and rollerset/wrap my hair to get some fullness and volume. I could not stand my hair sticking to my scalp and as you can see in my avatar I've got some fine hair
Thanks for this. I thought about texlaxing, but the problem is that my hair is so fine. How can I ensure that my hair won't break off due to underprocessing? I do proteins for strength and have relatively little breakage or shedding. (In fact, I was thrilled that I didn't lose much hair at all...maybe a little less than a dime's worth.) But I also would like to continue stretching my relaxers (because of my fine hair) for 4 months at a time. I think 5 and 6 months may be too long for me.

You're welcome, Serenity_Peace! For me, texlaxing has made my hair stronger because the additional texture gives the strands more elasticity, so it breaks less during manipulation. My hair doesn't like much protein but loves moisture, so to minimize breakage, I moisturize my hair once or twice daily and practice low manipulation.
this would happen to me as well...for the longest time until I found lhcf...what type of relaxer do you use? maybe it was too strong? also like prospurr said doing to protein reconstructor step before neutralizing really helps...ive done it my last 2 relaxers so my roots are really thick...but as u can see I still have to work on my ends!!
OT: Wow, MAMATO! You do have some thick and beautiful hair.

OH thanks for your kind words:blush: I so love your braid-out and I wish I had your length so I can claim MBL officially:grin:.

SP: What about rollersetting the day of your relaxer, you may need to try that if you want more body:yep:
SP (((((HUGS))))) to you.

Every time I relax I always style my hair in a spiral set and leave it alone for a while then was it out after 2 weeks of the Spiral set and then I will wear it down. Remember that "fine hair" as Kinikakes would say- "you must treat it like silk". I say 4 weeks worth of spiral sets b/c the NG will start to come in and the the Thickness will be built up. You have to do what is best for your hair if your hair does not like 5 months stretches then just try to do 12 weeks. The purpose for me stretching was to see what my hair likes and does not like. Treat your hair as silk and it will grow a long way. In the end you do what is best for you. Trial and Error. ((((HUGS))))....
Hey SP - I totally feel you on this and what I would do (when the salon would do this to me) is re-wash my hair use a protein condish (as I know it will cause some reversion) and rollerset/wrap my hair to get some fullness and volume. I could not stand my hair sticking to my scalp and as you can see in my avatar I've got some fine hair

It's fine but it's GAWGUS and so healthy-looking! :clapping:
SP: What about rollersetting the day of your relaxer, you may need to try that if you want more body:yep:

I rollerset the day of my relaxer, but I think I will do another rollerset for my mid-week wash, since I'm going out on Thursday. I'll do a light-medium protein. We'll see how that works. I guess I freaked out because I'm doing everything right--from protein-moisture balance, Henna, diet and exercise, water, supplements, KISS, etc. It's probably just because I'm relaxed and did it bone straight. I relax bone straight so that I may stretch longer. But you're right: I may try not relaxing so straight next time. My hair is growing but it's just not getting thicker, so I'll have to resort to other strategies. Thanks again! :kiss:
There, there SP :hug2:
Yes, fresh relaxers always make my hair this way, that's why I always re-condition my hair the next day or several days later. It's the nature of being fine/thin headed. :look:

By next week this time you should be looking good! Also, I give myself a henna and indigo a week or 2 after a relaxer; this helps a lot!
Wow i do the same thing! I use henna a couple weeks after the relaxer to give it some thickness. Also, I use ORS no-lye and although some parts of my hair are straight, they aren't BONE straight. I make sure to leave some texture..
SP (((((HUGS))))) to you.

Every time I relax I always style my hair in a spiral set and leave it alone for a while then was it out after 2 weeks of the Spiral set and then I will wear it down. Remember that "fine hair" as Kinikakes would say- "you must treat it like silk". I say 4 weeks worth of spiral sets b/c the NG will start to come in and the the Thickness will be built up. You have to do what is best for your hair if your hair does not like 5 months stretches then just try to do 12 weeks. The purpose for me stretching was to see what my hair likes and does not like. Treat your hair as silk and it will grow a long way. In the end you do what is best for you. Trial and Error. ((((HUGS))))....

As always, thank you sweetheart! :kiss::kiss: I started to do a spiral or Curlformer set, but go too lazy. I think I will do that this coming weekend and see what works. Either that or a braidout.
I rollerset the day of my relaxer, but I think I will do another rollerset for my mid-week wash, since I'm going out on Thursday. I'll do a light-medium protein. We'll see how that works. I guess I freaked out because I'm doing everything right--from protein-moisture balance, Henna, diet and exercise, water, supplements, KISS, etc. It's probably just because I'm relaxed and did it bone straight. I relax bone straight so that I may stretch longer. But you're right: I may try not relaxing so straight next time. My hair is growing but it's just not getting thicker, so I'll have to resort to other strategies. Thanks again! :kiss:

SP - bone straight can weaken already fragile strands. My stylist texlaxes my hair (keeps the relaxer in for a few minutes), but because my strands are thin, it gives me the appearance of a straight, but more full look.

Texlaxing is generally better for us than straighter... :yep:
Serenity Peace, My hair used to do that and I thought that it was normal until I stitched relaxers. I always used no-lye box relaer kits and then I switched to Mizani Butter blends lye relaxer and my hair as still thick afterwards and my new growth even was wavy when I washed my hair. I never had that experience before. I love it....
I find that my hair is shiny and has good movement when I leave the salon after a touch up. But... it does look thinner. It looks much better after my next wash and DC at home. I do a ponytail overnight air dry and blow it out in the AM.
Totally understand, I used to hate how my hair would look after a relaxer. But since I've switched relaxers and stylists I like it more. I used to use a no-lye relaxer (Creme of Nature mild) but now I used Mizani Rhelaxer for Fine/Color Treated hair, my stylist also underprocessed (don't know if this was done purposely) my hair on my last touch up and it's done wonders...much more volume.
No. Not anymore. Since I:

1. Switched to lye relaxers. (Mizani BB) No lye used to get my hair scary straight.

2. Stopped relaxing bone straight. I relax my hair straight, but it still has a little texture to it. Bone straight was just breaking my hair down way too much and I have fine hair so I knew I needed a little more strength left in my hair.

3. Started using a protien conditioner after rinsing the relaxer, but before neutralizing. It gives my hair a lot more body and fullness.

4. Smooth the relaxer once, then rinse. I know some people like to smooth and smooth and smooth to make sure it's good and straight, but once is good enough for me. My rollersets and iron outs still come out silky smooth, but my hair air dries really big and fluffy now.

I know you said you like to get it bone straight so that you can stretch longer, but the straightness of your hair after a touch-up will not determine how fast your newgrowth will grow back in.
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I too have fine hair and mannn I tell ya it's something else. I started texlaxing as well. Smooth once and that stuff is out of my hair.

I usually air dry to give it more fullness or either set it. I use little to no manipulation for the first week or two. This usually helps me alot.

My hair also loves moisture. So I moisturize and seal those ends every night.

I just don't like the fact that you can see my scalp when it's freshly laxed.

My DH calls me Triple H.:lachen:
I used to have the same issue, but since I used Phytospecific and stopped leaving the relaxer on the maximum time, I don't get the limp hair. I still relax straight but I found I don't need as much processing time as I used to need. I also do the mid-relaxer protein, so that could be a contributing factor as well.
Thanks for this. I thought about texlaxing, but the problem is that my hair is so fine. How can I ensure that my hair won't break off due to underprocessing? I do proteins for strength and have relatively little breakage or shedding. (In fact, I was thrilled that I didn't lose much hair at all...maybe a little less than a dime's worth.) But I also would like to continue stretching my relaxers (because of my fine hair) for 4 months at a time. I think 5 and 6 months may be too long for me.

Underprocessing breaks hair off? This is news to me.
I totally understand what you are saying, and I hated it. My hair used to look that way but doesn't anymore; two things changed that:

1) applying a protein reconstructor for 5 minutes, after rinsing relaxer but before neutralizing
2) texlaxing instead of relaxing straight

ETA: Oh, I just avatar pic is just after a texlax touchup.

I totally agree with you Prospurr. I made these 2 changes in my regimen for the exact same reason that SP is experiencing. I couldn't stand it anymore:nono: and now I like January Noir, am doing more henna/ayurveda hair treatments as well. They really helped a lot. SP, I totally understand your frustration and I agree that I would rather have thicker, fuller hair that's short as opposed to long see-through BSL hair:yep:.