Does your hair grow in layered????


Active Member
I ask this because no matter how hard i try, my hair will not grow out blunt

I've cut it blunt twice in the past 6 months, I keep my ends trimmed regularly to preserve the blunt shape, but all to no avail. As Armyqt put it, its like my hair grows in an inverted V whenever i gain length. I'm thinking, ok maybe that's the natural hair growth pattern for me.

Then there's the top layer of my hair, its always seems to grow slower than the rest and its always drier
I keep it moisturized very well so i'm not sure what the problem is.

I look at the ladies here, whose hair seems to grow out in uniform length and thickness and I get soo discouraged

The only length at which my hair stays blunt is grazing collar. My hair has the potential to grow so much longer (the longest i remember my relaxed hair was HEALTHY 1 inch away from brastrap 3 years ago) a few bad relaxers and neglect will do it to you... Ok i'm rambling back on topic

Do you find that your hair grows in unevenly?
yes, yes, yes Beana3. My hair grows in pretty even, but my right side grows in longer and thicker than my left. I really noticed this when I cut my hair chin length years ago. I've cut off so much hair unnesseceraly last year trying to correct this problem. I say as long as your ends are healthy, wait till you reach your hair goal then cut it even. No point in trying to fight eith the way your hair grows, because it will always win.
My hair grows in layers too. I stopped years ago trying to make it all even because it ALWAYS grows back in layers, in a v shape. My hair is a couple inches short of bra strap in the back and just a litle bit shorter in the front and sides.

It is taking extreme patience to resist the urge to even i up. Since my hair is doing so good I figure if it ain't broke.......
My hair never grew blunt. The right side always grew much faster than the left. I give up on trying to get it even.
This seems to be a natural thing. Many of us have different grades and textures of hair on our one head and I feel this contributes to various growth patterns. I'm sure there are other factors also. hair grows faster in the back, in the past I always felt compelled to even it out, but I'm trying to wait till it grows longer.
Unfortunately, my hair was originally cut from a real, real short, layered it has no choice but to grow out from layers....

I can't stand them! Since my hair is uneven, the back is about an inch past my shoulders; however, the top of my hair doesn't come that far so the back of my hair looks thin!
And my sides are about an inch above my shoulders!

Layers just make hair appear thinner then it really is--especially if you have a lot of them!!
Mine also grows in layers. I've given up keeping anything but the bottom layer blunt. :::shrug::::
My hair grows in layers also. For years I would try to keep a blunt look, but it got too tiring so now I just let it grow how it wants.
My hair grows in layers as well. The crown doesn't grow as fast as the back, so my hair appears to be layered even though it isn't.
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The back grows really fast, so that layer is very close to brastrap. As the layers move up to the crown, they seem to be shorter - giving it the "layered" look.