Does this sound like a good idea??? (long)


New Member
Okay...I'm two months into my transition (or so I will be this coming Wed)...I made a decision back in July that I was getting braids this summer...I've gone back and forth over the choice...Cause my hair has been growing phenomenonally since I started DCing/CW every day. I've also found a semi/real protective style for my NL hair (bunning), even though my hair is cut in layers....I wear this style to work, and it looks cute, because there's like this really pretty wavy pattern in my hair, and I dress it up with a headband, scarf, chunky earrings, ect....

I know I won't be able to keep up the every day routine, just because I'd love the braids to look fresh...(BTW, the only reason I was getting my hair braided in the first place was...I'm going back to Houston for Labor Day weekend, and I didn't want to have to deal with my hair)....

My idea is....instead of getting my hair braided, I'll keep up my DCing/CW/bunning when I go back home...I'll wear my bun during the day...But at night, or whenever there's a really cool event (cause trust, there will be TONS of them), I'll wear a wig....Of course, I'll baggy my little bun....But I also want to protect the rest of my hair...besides wearing a wig cap (because those things can cause extreme dryness, especially around the edges), what else can I do to protect my hair? And is this even a good idea in the first place? I've worn a wig once, but I didn't have the proper information on how to care for my hair underneath...Now I understand tons more about my hair...I just need a push in the right direction....
Sorry for asking so many questions...but the last time I wore a wig, I didn't know anything...Sometimes I used the wig cap...other times I didnt...Which made my hairline breakout and start flaking very badly....for months I couldn't figure out why! I understand now it needed tons of moisture...So...Should I put evco/evoo oil on my hair, and load it up with tons of moisture? I guess I could treat it like I'm doing an overnight pre-poo..cause I'll still be cw my hair everyday....
One of the things I do to save my nape area is with most wigs they come with those combs or those stretch thingys in the back. The first thing I do is remove these parts from the wig and use hair pins to keep it clamped down.

I ALWAYS use the large hair pins to pin down my wigs and I always have a wig net to cover my hair.

Even with the wig net or the wig caps I will either wear the net with the rubber part on the hair I will use the opposite side or I cut small holes in the wig cap so that it is not tight on my hair or my nape area.

I don't own one wig were I have kept the combs or adjustment rubbers in them this causes too much damage to my own hair.

It is hot in Houston so I am not sure I would go the whole day every day doing the baggy but maybe making sure my hair is moist or really damp and then placing the wig net or wig cap on then the wig.

Best wishes and have a safe trip.