Does relaxer slow hair growth down?


New Member
I noticed for a month after my relaxer I don't see much growth, while 6 weeks to 2 months after my hair starts growing at it usual rate. It's like the follicles shutdown to repair/reset themselves. If this is true, then this will be another benefit of stretching since one won't frequently lose weeks of growth due to the shutdown. I still haven't mastered stretching myself since I tend to experience a lot of shedding and tangles but I found the technique I used caused most of the tangle problem so I might attempt it again.

Anyone else observe this?
I don't see how that could prevent the follicles from producing hair but I surely won't say it isn't possible. I don't have any other info to offer tho

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Thanks for the feedback ladies. I was just wondering why the weeks after a relaxer you don't see as much growth like months after.
Thanks for the feedback ladies. I was just wondering why the weeks after a relaxer you don't see as much growth like months after.

i feel my naturally curly follicles coming in within 2 weeks after a touchup :spinning:
Right now I have some new growth (about 1/4 of an inch) at 3 weeks after my relaxer, it's just not as much as I expected. I guessed my average monthly growth to be .5 because at 8 weeks I have 1 inch or a bit more growth. The last time I stretched for 5 months, I had 3 inches growth. So if I don't usually get much growth right after a relaxer then the amount of inches I got within 2 or 5 months after a relaxer came at a latter date.