Does Protein Vitamins For Hair Like H37 Cause Weight Gain?


Well-Known Member
I am not sure or not but I think I have gain some weight since taking H37 vitamins for hair. I do not want to stop taking the vitamins because my hair is coming along nicely. I also do exercise on a regular basis which includes light weights. I use the The Firm Videos among others was not sure if the weights and protein contributed to the weight gain. Any thoughts on protein about this?:p
really....i havent experienced any weight gain im doing the same..taking the HF37 vitamins..doing the Firm Challenge...and weight watchers...i actually lost weight since i started eating healthy and working out..and i just started taking them this is going on being the 2nd week as of might want to try getting in touch with Southerngirl..i know she is the one that made me want to order HF37 just from looking at her hair album..and plus she is doing the Atkins dieting(a protein/lo carb diet) and another thing is that you may be gaining muscle and toning know sometimes muscle weighs...
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star said:
I am not sure or not but I think I have gain some weight since taking H37 vitamins for hair. I do not want to stop taking the vitamins because my hair is coming along nicely. I also do exercise on a regular basis which includes light weights. I use the The Firm Videos among others was not sure if the weights and protein contributed to the weight gain. Any thoughts on protein about this?:p

Well, I can say I have used HF37 now for about 2 years and I have put on weight...mind you not fat, but I have become a lot more muscular. I used to go to the gym, although not for weights, but I have stopped for now. I can't really say if it's the protein in the HF37 for sure as I have taken them off and on but I have put on noticeable muscle. I also have a high protein diet. Maybe it's the combination of the two. This is my personal experience and everyone is different so I can't speak for anyone else.

And they do make the hair grow a lot faster.:up:
BAILEYSCREAM - Thanks I am starting to think it may be combination of the two. I did in past read post with southergirl in others about this and some say they notice a weight gain and others didn't. I do want to keep using them since I seen a difference in my hair. ;)

bluediamond0829 -Thanks, I do think for me it is muscle and I do not want to become to bulky. Muscle does cause some weight gain unfortunatley. I going to do experiement and see if I can lose the weight and stay on the vitamins. :grin:
Hi Star :wave:

I never experienced weight gain while taking HF37. I was a pretty faithful Atkins dieter for a while to maintain my weight, and I never gained. Even when I was not on the diet, I never noticed any extra pounds.

SouthernGirl said:
Hi Star :wave:

I never experienced weight gain while taking HF37. I was a pretty faithful Atkins dieter for a while to maintain my weight, and I never gained. Even when I was not on the diet, I never noticed any extra pounds.

I am starting to think it is me I was eating way too much sweets during this time. I really love the vitamins and will continue to take them. I am working on getting the pounds off and I know it will not be a problem. Thanks and your hair looks gorgeous:)
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Thanks for posting this, I've been doing some research on this very thing. Trying do determine if it's a good idea to use protein drinks, vits, etc.