does minoval work?


New Member
I did a search on minoval but I couldn't find any results. Does minoval work? If so does it work better or just as well as mtg? Is $7.69 a resonable price for 1ounce? I want something that is really going to regrow my edges so any suggestions are welcomed
I have some, I've not used it with any consistency though therefore I can't really say. =(

It's on my next list of things to trade or sell.
Minoval is excellent but it could be a little drying at times but a little moisturizer will fix that. I used it consistently one summer in the nape of my hair and it made it grow in quite nicely. I stopped using because I tried other things but I still have a bottle here just in case I want to start using it again. I would say if you have a bald spot or a problem area you can apply it there twice daily and you will see a difference in two weeks tops. You should definately give it a try but you must be consistent in order for it to work. Everyone I know that has used it and said it did nothing were not consistent.
I have been really curious about this one. I have noticed that a few posters claim use of the product, so I had hoped there would have been more feedback on this product. bonjour
Minoval does work. i used it a lot in the past but i dont like it. it does grow your hair but it contains minoxidil which contains alcohol and dries your hair out. the excessive dryness and scalp irritation made me stop using it and throw the remainder of my bottle. i always feel like i m applying alcohol on my head-that s how the irritation feels like.:mad: but i have a love and hate thing with the product i use the drops discard then buy it again i like to add it to my mix of products hum but man the alcohol in it i know messes my hair.
really thats probably why when i asked a older Haitain lady about it(because supposedly thats what they use to make their hair long and thick) she said the same thing that she would have problems with it drying her hair out and then she would have to wash it...but she said her sisters and mother used it...i had know idea alchol was in it...
I hear some have mixed it with l'huile mascreti or wildgrowth. Personally, I have some but I have not tried it. Not ready for the 2x a day thing yet and I will be sitting this one out for a good long while. I want to let the MTG rule right now. bonjour