Does Micros= Growth


New Member
I may be gettin Micros and I am kinda scared about losing my hair. Can someone tell me how to take proper care of micros if I get it.

Thank You
I don't necessarily recommend microbraids on relaxed hair. When my hair was relaxed they murdered my already horribly weak, damaged hair. Since going natural the micros do not cause any damage on my hair. Otherwise with micros just wash your hair and keep it moisturized and most of all be very gentle with your hair when removing the extensions.
I dont have micros but I do have small to medium sized human hair braids. The key thing is MOISTURE I can not stress that enough if you don't properly moisturize your hair then braids can be a terrible experience. Do not be afraid to wash your braids!!!! Just remember that is still your hair underneath all of that. It will get fuzzy after a while and all that means is that you need to touch it up. Just remember moisture, moisture, moisture!!


thank You I just wanted to make sure you know I don't want to lose hair I wanna grow hair. Thank You for the advice.