Does it matter how long you DC with heat??


Well-Known Member
For those that DC with heat I was wondering if it matters how long you actually do it. As I was sitting under the dryer tonight I started to think about why DCing with heat can be beneficial and how it opens the cuticle, etc....Then I started to think does it really make a difference if you DC for 30 minutes versus an hour? I generally can sit under the dryer for about 20 - 30 minutes, but would it be more beneficial if I sat under the dryer longer?

So I guess my question is if there is a time frame where the benefits of DCing with heat max out. Does anyone have any opinions or any scientific thoughts? Thanks!
It depends on your hair. I can sit under the dryer with con for 30mins and my hair will be ok. But if I sit under the dryer with con for 1 hour my hair is so silky and nice :) Some people can DC
with heat for 15 mins and their hair is great afterwards. so all and all it depends on you and your hair.
It seems like I get better results when I DC for at least an hour/with heat. Before I got a heating cap, I would sit for 30 minutes with hot towels and a plastic cap on. The constant heat from the cap helps my hair to absorb the conditioner better.
If I deep condition with heat for 45 minutes or more, I can feel a real difference in the smoothness and softness of my hair. When my hair was in its best condition, I deep conditioned with heat for an hour every week. I'm going back to that.
I read that you should deepconditon for at least 30.

When I go for like 15, my hair feels good, but longer it seems like the oils in the conditoner I guess "soak" into my hair more or something and my hair feels much better after.

I also read that doing more than a product says wont help.

But some conditoners say 2-5 min, some say 15...30....45....

Im thinking that at like 45-1hr the conditoners done all it will do so going over that might not make a difference
And below that, that it depends on the product and probally how much heat your dryer has.

IDK :ohwell: Good Question, cant wait to see what other people say.
My hair laughs at anything less than 45 minutes. I see other ladies get better results after 45 minutes as well. I'd say 45 mins is the magic number :)
I don't know if there's a difference because I am not sitting under the dryer for 45-60 minutes for a DC. Then back under for another 2 hours for roller set :nono:

The most I'd do is about 30 minutes. I usually do some stuff around the house before or after so 30 minutes heat plus however long I leave it on before rinsing.
Sometimes if I deep condition too long, my hair gets tangled. Sometimes mushy, sometimes too hard. I try not to stay under the dryer deep conditioning for no longer than 10 minutes now. It's because I get really sleepy under the dryer-- too sleepy to roller set. Roller setting to me is so time consuming so I want to hurry up and get the conditioning out of the way.
I do 20-30 minutes. I reallydidnt notice a difference after that hour or overnight, my hair felt the same.
I DC overnight. I don't use heat so I figure I need time for it to absorb. I put on a plastic cap, my scarf, and then my bonnet to create some heat. If I don't do it overnight, then I workout in order to create some heat, usually for an hour.
I have tried anywhere between 15mins to 90 mins, for me after 30 mins it doesn't make a difference. I guess you have to experiment and see what your hair likes
I think it depends on your hair type, how much damage you have (or not) and the type of product you're using (protein or moisture, as well as strength of the product).

When I first started my journey I would do 30-45 min with heat. I gradually decreased the frequency and the length of time under the dryer. Nowadays, for a deep moisture treatment I don't do more than 15. My hair is healthy so any more than that is pointless for my fine hair. For deep protein treatment I don't do more than 10 min--the heat helps it penetrate faster. Then 5 min with moisture afterwards (no heat though).
i always deep condition with heat for at least 30-45 minutes but i heard several times that 20 minutes is all it takes because the hair can only absorb but so much.